@laylaholic: Oh, thanks. They do seem to cost more than double here in Belgium though, but I'll read some reviews on them to see if they're worth it.
@laylaholic: Oh, thanks. They do seem to cost more than double here in Belgium though, but I'll read some reviews on them to see if they're worth it.
Are there more of this kind? I'd like to actually have a set of those waterproof headsets, but usually the sound quality just sucks.
I thought this was Cracked.com for a second.
@superfluousK: Don't use Napster, don't know what you're talking about.
I'll stick to my Metallica Revenge, thank you. :)
Yay, when schools starts.
@dswatson83: There's a reason they chose that aspect ratio. Mainly because it's much easier for the user interface, it feels a lot better and less stretched than a wide screen would.
@Ravennl: There are quite a few actually.
@dandaman247: It's really, really, really tiny. Can't be right.
@FriarNurgle: Left of Wordpress.
I'm always gonna go with Sennheiser, Shure and Bose. I always buy from quality stores too so I'm certain I'm not being fake crap.
How about the hosting prices?
So why doesn't Giz have a space rocket yet?
@JS_Drupal: Germans even fucked up the beautiful word 'butterfly'.
@Vrank92: I already think that the appeal for hackers to get working on Mac OS X is big enough.
@Vrank92: Sure, but I'm still enjoying never having had a virus on a Mac yet.
@Joseph Paul Johnston II: Nope, but I consider myself to have a good amount of talent. I'm really good at drawing, and mediocre at both painting and photography. But I don't call myself an artist.
Apple's new ad:
By this logic, the many thousands of people that make gameplay or machinima videos every day are filmmakers.
That is one terrible poster (the rest is terrible too). Somebody discovered the zoom blur option in Photoshop, I assume.