
Daigo has an advantage. Everyone knows that Lupe finds it hard to beat Blanka.

An understatement, for sure. Nearly all the characters and stories in V are at least great. Many are amazing.

Seems a little dark. He should drink more water.

Come now, everyone is going to jump on the Ryu one. The rest are only going to sell after that one sells out. Should've just made the one design and produced more copies of it.

I agree completely. I kind of consider Zero and Resident Evil Jr, as it basically just re-does a lot of things from the first few games. And that’s fine, I had a lot of fun with it on the GameCube.

Kind of an odd price point. Less than full retail price but more than most arcade/download only games. I wonder what the motivation was. Does this sincerely belong to a land in between? A statement on the cost of new retail games? Or does he just think people will pay it, so he charges it?

As someone who didn’t really get into the PS2 games, I was very impressed with IV and I played it a lot. I’m playing through V now and, while it has some fantastic parts to it, I definitely noticed a lot of these short comings in comparison to IV. Especially the driving; and car handling, specifically. GTA IV had the

Class act

Needs more KH

Wow I am very impressed. He seems to play pretty uniquely, but also seems very well balanced. Plus the sounds and animations are all spot on. Talk about homage.

You think you’ve seen outrageous amiibo prices? Wait for Cloud to sell out.

Knuckles the Enchilada. How I thought it read when I was a child, and how I still call him.

This is one of the greatest articles I’ve read in a while. Great job, Fahey!

Based entirely off the still only, this looks stylistically influenced by kingdom hearts. And I'm fine with that.

This may sound silly to a lot of people, but this game made me seriously consider getting a ps4. Damn near console seller status.

In my opinion, the best game in the series. Enjoy it, my friend.

Maybe they should focus on finishing the game. It's not like they need to build any hype or anything

Maybe they need more time to program all the preorder bonuses

I miss how I could set my game defaults via my account settings on the Xbox 360. Every game booted up with y inverted, my sensitivity the way I like it, and on hard mode automatically. I wish the Xbox One would do the same.

Preach, Brother!