
There are also a ton of physical references to other DC characters in the city, most notably Lex Luthor and Green Arrow.

Yeah more and more images in the city begin to reflect the Joker. Some times when fighting a random bunch of thugs on the street in late game, one of them may become the Joker, too. Pretty nifty small touches.

Yeah, Gwent has become hugely popular. I am with Kirk, though. It isn’t for me.

I went on a mini rant on the DA:I story from today about how CD Projekt is setting an awesome example as a developer, and how others (including Bioware) should take notes. This article only helps my argument. This is free DLC, people!

As far as the world is concerned, your reasons for liking it is exactly why I didn’t prefer it haha it’s a wasteland, I thought that most of it should be wild and untamed with only a few communities. 3 delivered on that and I get the feeling 4 will as well. As for the other gameplay elements, I agree with you. New

Do you mean in the design of the world? I do like New Vegas overall more than 3, but the world in 3 was stronger in my opinion. You felt like you were venturing into an unknown wasteland in 3. You didn’t in New Vegas. At least I didn’t.

You bet I did. Doesn’t seem like a better experience than Fallout to me. To each their own, I guess.

Haha well said

I’m not sure what you mean. It looked like a much better version of Fallout 3, and I’m fine with that.

Yeah, I noticed that. I’m not sure why.

Uncharted 4 was Koatku’s vote for best of show? That surprises me.

Really, Fallout 4 as best of show was a no brainer

What’s going on with that controller?

Looks pretty cool

Thanks! But I am aware. I’m contemplating holding out for a 50% off sale. Maybe in a month or two.

I was wondering if this was ever going to happen! I don’t have a gaming PC and I was a fan of Super Meat Boy. I’ll be checking it out when it comes out.

Jesus that’s nauseating

You might want to read the thread before posting. Not only does the DLC go on sale on Xbox, and not only have I personally gotten all previous Bioware DLC whilst on sale, but the Jaws of Hakkon DLC is on sale right now on Xbox.

This whole collectable-video-game-toy thing is getting out of hand.