Worse than the fact that he keeps spouting this shit is the fact that major networks validate him by playing up this nonsense. It highlights that Harry and Meghan’s decision to leave was right.
Worse than the fact that he keeps spouting this shit is the fact that major networks validate him by playing up this nonsense. It highlights that Harry and Meghan’s decision to leave was right.
This narcissistic monster will never understand how it isn’t about him, and will still chase the attention that he feels makes it about him. I feel for Meghan, as I’ve been there myself, on a microscopic scale.
Um...I would also like to add as the oldest Black fraternity in the world - of which I am also a member- Prince Hall Free Masons: Ain’t nobody for nothin to say about that square and compass with the large P substituted for G?? If I’m not mistaken the Freemasons own the copyright to that symbol as well?
“You know what? Rob has been lying to all of y’all, and that’s the sad part about it... He been lying to all.”
Lets be real...she isn’t getting completely destroyed for wearing this, wearing it clearly for attention, because she’s overweight. People are too afraid to step out from the woke, yas kween!!! you go girl! takes fearing that they’ll “shame” her to just go...You know, there’s a time and a place for everything, but…
Ms. Liz... I’ve been rockin’ w/ u every since my discovery of you this year, but um... u might be gettin’ on my nervous a bit now, and it’s too early for that... we jus’ met. Please chill on this level of fuckery. Thanks.
Aren’t corrections officers just cops who failed the test? This and “West Virginia” makes me not at all surprised.
There’s body positivity and there’s just ridiculousness. There’s fat acceptance and there’s propriety at any size. This ensemble was completely inappropriate for this venue; she was not on a stage! She should have been ticketed for indecent exposure.
I honestly think the world is going to be done with the big three “breakout” stars of 2019 (Lizzo, Billie Eilish, Lil Nas X) by the end of 2020, but I agree Lizzo is going to get it the worst.
Someone with some actual sense. Thank you!!
I like lizzo’s energy but this is gross and someone on her PR team should have coached her on this.
Is it okay to stop acting like I enjoyed Lizzo yet?
This is a classic case of doing too much.
the more i read about this person the less i am impressed by her.
im happy for her success, but this is kinda getting crazy. its like she knows her representation gives her a license to do whatever she wants, and she has every right to enjoy herself, but this is just weird to do, especially considering she wasnt a performer. i hate to go, “think of the children” but this is a very…
Can we forget about the questionable hygiene and comment on the fact that she didn’t need to show her bare ass in a place with children present? Don’t come at me with the “OK Boomer” shit. I’ve already seen black twitter try to call people out saying you are fat shaming her and she’s living her best life and if…
No better way to teach “masculinity” than for a father to literally abandon his child.
This! “Sir, in case you didn’t know, eating is not allowed in the system. I’m not give you a ticket now but just to let you know.”
If it’s just a violation, couldn’t the officer have said “Eating is prohibited in this area, would you mind putting that away?” Easy, right? Nope! They’re always packed and ready to go on their power trip.
I’ve eaten at BART stations dozens of times, with nary a problem. Hell, I’ve never *seen* anyone get hassled (much less arrested) for eating in a BART station. Of course, I’m white, so this definitely seems like one of those “selective enforcement” situations.