
wow, as a father myself this resonates so deeply. i was ok, til the very end. as the youtube commenters pointed out, using that music ain't fair! it ain't fair, i tell ya!

b'awwwww. why oh why, world? why are you so croo-el? any word on whether or not it was steel-toe?

just jumped on it. thank you much, kotaku

i now have a hankering for blueberry...

i need names of each of these girls asap. tia, loller

i swear the main singer looked familiar to me, but i couldnt quite place my finger on it. after a bit of simple digging, happened upon a real familiar name who modeled during import scene years and years ago, when i used to scour the inturnetz for images of models who also posed topless at one time or another. how

where are you at this very second? i need to find you so that i may hug you

good point.

i don't mind downloading games... that are GOOD. what do i do with the crap that i turn out hating? with a physical copy, i sell the damn thing

pretty much this.

...and this is the way it should have always been

+1. this post needs more attention


i laughed. i cried. i shat myself, i pissed, i picked my ear. that was bloody marvelous.

pretty much this. sega finally delivers what fans have been asking for for years and it still ain't good enough. this looks awesome!

you've pretty much described my current digital life


haha, i did what nathan did as well. i also use this tactic for installing PC's remotely when i purchase a softcopy of a game, so that it'll be ready by the time i get home

i tried to run as admin and i still get the error that nergazm has