
according to apple's support site, error 21 is related to security software. perhaps disable any AV and firewalls? []#error21

i believe there was an article on giz years ago comparing, but so much has changed since then and it's old data. i would like this as well

agreed and agreed. only 56 :[

way too soon

thanks for this LH! ill have to find time later to try this, but for those that have, does this work with 3rd party apps, like pandora/spotify?

thanks for this LH! ill have to find time later to try this, but for those that have, does this work with 3rd party apps, like pandora/spotify?

as donfuy has stated, shortened only with http sites. https shows. no need to apply fix above

i was waiting for my nudies of cindy crawford to load, one by one, on my parent's webTV

if so, what's her name? :P

wow, this is pretty great news for spotify. i'm hoping g+ has something similar down the pipeline, but with y'know better integration

i was infuriated, but after some digging:

as others have mentioned, my grandfather has been using this technique for as long as i can remember (22 years) and has passed it on to my parents, who now do the same, haha. i'm sure when i get a garage, i'll be doing the same. *sigh* one day...

i'm sorry, were we talkin about laptop models or my u-verse package offerings?

please, microsoft, make sure your shit dont eat at the battery. and please, hardware manufactures, dont pkg with shitty batteries. TIA

am i the only one that read starcraft:ghost??? project resurrected?

what u did there, i sees

your keyboard must be sex-ay, but remember; no pics, no care

this blog post aroused me. i plan to print it out later an' fuck it! that's right! it's sexy!