
@MajinMexican: me neither, no freezes on launch console as well

@Ignominus: i can attest to this. visit socal or specifically, Long Beach (west & north side). i ask, what do they wanna do with their lives. all i get is indecipherable goobly gock repeated verbatim from their previous generation. i fear they want nothing but to continue collecting checks

@BallPtPenTheif: true story. in 6th grade, some kid (same age) wanted to fight my friend who was a brown belt in karate. the dude said he played a LOT of street fighter 2, emphasis on "A LOT." my friend had to walk away laughing

@Abillionninjas: DRE LOL! good times... i miss my PhatS2 now :'[

@PoweredByHentai: just got that the other day. i've been wanting to play ever since it launched and got it on the cheap. now if i can only find time to crack it open

@DoubleOh-: i heard the same; circuits. know why? cuz he's wearing glasses


@Auto Aim is for Pussies.: i thought it was funny and i consider myself a PC enthusiast. btw, agree with your username

@jollydwarf: well, i enjoyed the trailer, but damn that city reminded me of Coruscant too

ty kotaku!

gamespot's system wars converged with this post

@Illoominator: haha LB in dahowz. this is pretty cool, i definitely wanna stop by and see for myself now. just knowin there are other kotakuites living in my hometown is awesome

...and just like that, we've forgotten all about the Wives of Rockstar Employees.