
@Ramza69: how many kicks would suffice, kind sir? my foot is ready and able as well

@Deadened: no, no. here take this carrot. more healthy and all. OMFG wat r u doing to that carrot?!

@Yossarian: ya, i be down wit it. ya heard meh?

@everypuga: wth, i thought pogo stick too haha!

@Daniel Pizarro Sánchez: yeah, my brother was late to the game and had recently gotten one a few months ago. his just RRoD yesterday...

@RockyRan: BC is worth it man, ignore these fancies. *hugs and caresses launch box* muahahaha

@Firkraag: unfortunately. pirateers only bank off of those who aren't willing to spend much. when the tech becomes cheaper, guaranteed you'll start seeing some. i give it another year TOPS.

@spinozai: i admit, but he's a great VA. recently bought PoP and could not avoid thinking Nathan Drake everytime the character opened his mouth hah

@Slagathorian: ah yes. this happens alot. men are prone to this sorta thing. i've read studies!

@Rockabully: what made her unsure about him, i wonder?

@(Zombie) Goldwings: /me reflects on the good times with Lion King on the Game Gear. YES, the GAME GEAR! made all the more elite by owning the blue edition

@Smurph: they were there on vacation prior to becoming infected

@kw4k: wait... VNC ftw!

awesome! can't wait to update when i get back home