COPS - Quality human beings... people who couldn’t achieve anything else in life become COPS
COPS - Quality human beings... people who couldn’t achieve anything else in life become COPS
Another GOP family... vote Cruz
Shoe fits wear it..
Girls were idiots and got what they deserved - don’t feel bad for them . Should have just got arrested instead of whatever they were trying to do. I just love all the people defend cops no matter what and white people defending white cops is more entertaining- in this case the cops are protecting themselves in a…
GOP - Tea party hood.. Vote Trump
Your’e right if they told the cop they were choking like in NY I am sure the cop would stop and help the person like a sane person would do and not choke them to death...
only when they get shot they cant.
There were good kids...
Yea I live in Florida you fucking idiot.. but lets defend the cops... maybe they made bets who will live the longest as they planted some pot or drugs to defend their actions
If they were white if would have been a different story
I’m sure they were white cops and Black girls..
Where are all those McAsshole hype supporters at?
Can this family be more thirsty for attention
God - Who cares
Get your details straight - $85 without global entry... been this way a few years grandpa
Fuck you cunt
Could care less but at least I don’t have to hear about Jordan being on the greatest team season ever... Fuck Jordan...
Fuck that steroid head
You’re in Florida just shoot these assholes
Since one of Bush war criminals is on the Dropbox board - I boycott them..