
Edit: Scratch that, I thought this was right by the Mount Carmel center

Wah wah, no surprises here. Who didn't know this stuff is all crap?

Damn! I would have loved a fourth and fifth movie. Prequel?? No amount of shitty continuations of the series can take away from the greatness of the first.

Looks better than the Zonda! I loved that car and will probably love this one, but jeez they have always been fugly. What did everyone expect??

Wait. "A couple"??? There is no way the IR cam on the helicopter picked up the heat signatures of just two guinea pigs and made a bust - she must have been breeding them or something right?

@Straight6er: I wasn't referring to specific impulses necessarily, but there does appear to me to be a trend of cops who are unable to restrain their actions be them trained or instinctual, and those actions have resulted in numerous tragic accidents and events like the one in question.

Damn I actually love the way this watch looks...g-shock is retro these days and I think this is simpler and cooler.

@anbrew: I would have crushed his larynx.

@GeeHalen: Oh man the 2002s in that video are awesome

There is a road on the island of Hawar in the Persian Gulf (the island is a small part of the Bahraini archipelago) that is similar to this, designed as such so planes can land on it in case of an emergency.

@Straight6er: Reduced bro Edition: I'm sorry I can't agree with that. I see what you are saying, but there is a reason that cops work in shifts. If your mind is forced to think like that 24 hours a day, there is bound to be a point where you take that reasoning too far. Hence examples like this one where he was acting

How can I make it so that I get an email/alert every time #shootingchallenge is tagged? There must be a way...I just want to have an organized way to see challenges as they are posted.

This guy should face absolutely no immunity because he is a cop. He was not on duty.

two*, not to.

Sultan of Brunei did it.