
And he used it to buy that ill fitting ass suit

Damn, I was about to strongly disagree. But...how can I? Look at him! Fucking swag to ceiling!!!

The old testament??? See, I can get behind some of the new testament. But the old testament is some ol...nope not gonna insult folk’s faith this morning.

YES!!! Thank you! Exactly! No thank you for fucking up my sleep tonight, tho ;-)

I have a hard time understanding why black folks in general can be Christian after slavery. Being spiritual is one thing, but being a Christian?! Even when I was young I was side-eyeing the whole thing.

Hell yeah Blue is gonna get an A...fuck dat, an A+! This whole thing had me crine...

Same. Only people I know who watch it are white folks and they looove it. It has also gotten a very favorable critical reception. Would also make an exception for a good Harriet Tubman portrayal though.

Samir thanks a lot you jerk! Tim Burke, this will haunt my dreams, you asshole!

Heeelarious!!! Pat couldn’t keep up tho, could he?  

For real...just squint and Boom! you know you see it ;-)

He looks like fucking Palpatine. In fact, all of them have that post dark-side look.

Minute Maid Mao!!! Michael you know how to rouse a cackle, I tell you what. Also, Spicer had a weird one-sided Twitter war with Dippin’ fucking Dots! Like he went hard as hell at them. This is the kind of shit he does with his free time.

Word - so much hypocrisy and sheep. That’s why they are called a flock yo.

Michael, this was a sermon! Not my God, not nobody’s God, O.K?

Nah man, I think it’s cool. (I think) He’s being his genuine self - and getting paid for it. He likes to make people laugh and he is way smarter than he gets credit for. We are still talking about his subversive black self 2 years after he last played. Let him be great!

Black parents HAVE to tell their children to be proud of being black. The world tells us that we are inferior the first chance it gets. Trust me on this. I wish I had your naivete’ yo...

umm yeah, he embraced being black. He was a proud black man with vitiligo. Let’s not start this, mmmkay?

I can’t find the lie :)

Zactly! Plus she’s a kid. She will gain more nuance and perspective (hopefully) as she gets older yo. And even if she doesn’t, still not as harmful as Dolezal.

I feel you girl! I commiserate and empathize - it can take you dark places. But we are still here, scars and all. It’s an everyday thing so stay in the fight! We are not alone in this yo.