
Lauren, you’ve got it all wrong. They rewarded Sanders by shipping him to a better team. They’re now rewarding Flacco by not killing him on the field.

I just read in another thread that they closed off that address. Maybe this one still works?

sTicK tO sPorTs!!!

This is amusing, but accusing Vic Fangio of being duplicitous is like accusing Donald Trump of engineering all his controversies intentionally...for some reason.

What’s all the fuhrer?

Much like Lauren isn’t saying that the Broncos are trying to kill Joe Flacco, I’m not suggesting that emailing g-omediafeedback@googlegroups.com with complaints about the current media strategy will send it to the chucklefucks responsible for making these decisions.

“See, Joe, that’s what snakes get on Whacking Day.”

Plot twist, this was all an elaborate scheme by Elway to kill Joe’s career for good after the mile high miracle in 2012. 

“Of course! If only we’d thought of it first.” - John Harbaugh

Oh ask any Broncos fan and they’ll readily disagree about this season being compelling. You cant look away from a trainwreck.

This leads us to one question....is Joe Flacco an elite backup quarterback?

The non-reaction from the other players is....disturbing.

Reports say the referee is recovering, though he is still struggling with “language difficulties.”

Huh, Germans reacting violently to punishment. Where have I seen that before?

That was a helluva a first reich.

Sucker punch and then the hop back/runaway. What a bitch move.

This is not the first instance of violence against referees in amateur soccer in Germany. In fact, this past weekend, the council of amateur football referees declared a strike due to the Berlin Football Federation’s apparent lack of support for them in light of a number of violent on-field incidents recently. 1500

Fuck this, that cheeto colored hairpiece doesn’t even deserve the right to masturbate

This is literally the best moment that Twitter has ever brought us. I had that eyes bugged out “did they really fucking do that” reaction for about 0.3 seconds as I drew my head back and laugh my ass completely off of my body.

One of the best Twitter responses of all time. It’s like you knew in a few years he'd become one of the worst presidential candidates/overall human beings of all time. Well done.