I should’ve stopped reading the first time Erin offered excuses for criminal behavior. But I kept reading and found more of it.
I should’ve stopped reading the first time Erin offered excuses for criminal behavior. But I kept reading and found more of it.
This weird apologist take is just bad. These people are thieves, stealing things from OTHER people who legitimately bought something despite the poor economy. This isn’t a stick-it-to-bezos thing. This is impacting folks like you and me who work to pay their bills, then get their hard-earned shit stolen by someone who…
I hate mandatory minimums. I hate the cultural focus on prison as the only solution for crime and criminals.
You’re kinder than me. I want asshole rapists punished. Put ‘em in jail. If they’re scared that they might be raped, turnabout is fair play.
Can’t tell you how many times I’ve caught a fatigue crack on my 8 hour pre-grocery store drive 500-point inspection in my honda civic. I do it every time I go anywhere, it’s only an extra days labor to any chore.
*Sighs in coastal elitism that expects this shit to happen in podunk states like Wisconsin*
(worth noting that this all works better if you have a barn)
Awesome! Now instead of just unfolding a tent on the ground and blowing up an air mattress I just need to build a barn. Too easy.
This sounds amazing--I went to Steam immediately to add it to my library. With the fervor over any form of racially-minded education in the USA, I doubt it would happen, but it sounds like it would be an *excellent* addition to classrooms. I remember playing a shitton of Carmen Sandiego as a kid without even realizing…
This game just jumped go the top of my curiosity list, and now I’m keen to see what else Rise-Home Stories has coming for the other games in this theme they’re doing.
That is literally true for every existing VR platform.
it’s going to be interesting to see how well this does. PSVR did so well because it came out when the next cheapest VR system was $400+$800 for a PC rig capable of running it for most games so $400 +$400 for a PS4 that the user likely already had was a low cost of entry. Now though the Quest is dominating the market…
Man, fuck that cop. And he’s back on the job? I hope the victim’s family sues him and the city into oblivion.
I’d like to have a word with her, too.
Just make the payments come from the pension fund. That’ll really make them clean up real quick.
if they changed the payout to coming from the officers themselves and not the departments and thus everyone stuck paying taxes then youde see a big change in policing. they dont get penalized when they fuck up so they dont care.
Not surprised at all. Hopefully his settlement is enough to keep him comfortable for the rest of his life. Unfortunately it will come out of the city’s funds instead of the PD itself. It would be really satisfying if the cops had to sell off their MRAPs and cut their military cosplay budget to cover this stuff instead…
Did this guy fuck up and deserve to go to jail? Certainly.
Despite the author’s assertion that the PS5's game lineup is impressive, that lineup actually seems to be the major shortcoming for the system right now. I’m a PS4 user, and I haven’t seen any released PS5 games that would get me to go to the trouble and expense of upgrading. In fact, I haven’t really heard of any…
Not true. Words have historical contexts that shape their connotative meaning. “Cracker” has none of the (frankly despicable) historical context of systemic oppression that slurs like the n-word have. Words like the n-word were used to express white dominance over another race and culture. Words like “cracker” were…