
We can keep calling it Planet X.  The “X” isn’t a Roman numeral; it simply means “unknown”.

You know what they say -- better insu-late than never.

ah yeah found the “STICK 2 SPORRTS” mouthbreather.

I can’t believe there are any good cops until every single other cop is calling for these cops to not be cops.

He’s supposed to be 15 in the books, eventually reaching 19 by the end of the first novel. Ferguson is actually about the right age for that, if you assume that Jessica became Leto’s concubine in her early twenties or late teens. Same for Oscar Isaac at 42 - he’s old enough to plausibly be the father of a teenager.

It’s English feet. So it’s not actually 72 inches. It’s more like 3/4 of a hogsbead or 3-1/2 snapwoozles.

Bicyclist here. I thought the apology was refreshing in an age of half assed “we’re sorry if we offended anyone B.S. that passes for sincere nowadays.

This is somehow still not helping me understand what people are having difficulty with here.  Are they just driving along the sidewalk and surprised when they hit these not-insignificant poles?

Not sure I see a need to make this a bigger deal than it has already become. They put out a bad joke, got called out, then made what seems like a honest and open apology that appears sincere.

Welcome to another sad chapter of Things Skeet Ulrich Doesn’t Understand.

I’m not sure if this is a new, or state, or company specific. I never left anyone on the side of the road. We even had extra cab trucks to respond to minivan full of people. I always carried extra bottle of water for “passengers” and even a small bag full of cheap plush toys for the smaller kids.

ok, fine, you fixed the orientation of the Wright Flyer but there are many more issues.

I’m going to keep saying it: 2016 was the ballgame.

I’m so disappointed at the fact that you didn’t say  “Get over here”.

Seven times. In. The. Back.


couldn’t they just run the plates and find the registered owner? it’s not like these are sunglasses and need to wait at lost and found for someone to claim

Christ, can you imagine Esposito saying it to you in person? It would be humbling.

If Marvel can axe Terrence Howard and replace him with Don Cheadle, they can pull the same with Letitia Wright.