
I find it absolutely baffling that Honda would create this ‘hatchback’ along with a nearly identical sedan. Considering how sedan-like this ‘hatchback’ is, Honda would have gotten away with just creating the hatchback as the only model. Hatch-haters still would have bought the ‘hatchback’ version thinking it were just

Meh.   I’m one of the oddballs who likes the styling on the current Civic.  yes the Type R looks a bit Transformerish but I still like it.  There are 45 y.o out there like myself that like to make a statement occasionally.  

sleeker roof” No.

Steadying his massive elephant rifle against a well positioned rock, the ‘Housing and Zoning Inspector’ for Troy Michigan, calmly emptied his entire stockpile of high-powered ammunition into the engine block of the “Excursion” Jeep.

You’re ignoring the bit about hyper-aggression and pepper-spraying a family with young children.

Cops claim he was speeding* cops lie

I would still make the case that the report’s conclusions are flawed at best or outright wrong at worst if it takes a specific type of recession to validate their assumptions.

This report is based on data from 2004 to 2012. Otherwise in terms of current data, pedestrian deaths in the US went up by 21% year-over-year in 2020. The largest annual increase since they started collecting this data in the 1970s. Traffic fatalities in general rose 8% in the US in 2020. All this occurred during a

“You little bitches still whining about how we never update our trucks? Well here’s the 5,000 pounds of fugly you deserve!” -Toyota

Based on its looks I can only assume it comes standard with the glovebox filled with the male enhancement pills and pheromones from the back of old issues of Motor Trend.

Hoo boy, following that link, it’s not even just a sexual assault allegation, but full-on rape. That should’ve been it. Then and there, if this dude raped someone in his group, it should be on YouTube and Twitch to decide not to give a rapist a platform for continued fame and continued ways to abuse his clout.

This article should totally have withheld linking to the “return” video.

I’ve seen Kids exactly once, back when it first hit VHS and I was 14 of 15 years old. It was more effective than any anti-drug/drinking/sex PSA could have possibly been, and it horrified me. The worst part of it, though, was that a large portion of my small town glorified it. So many underachieving white boys wanted

Wow is that depressing on every level.

The whole catalytic converter stealing thing is irritating and would be frustrating and it would be nice if the police could figure out a way to curb this by making changes to how people get paid when selling these things.

However, this guy was sleeping in his truck (why?

Wow... The cops are so quick to defend these actions. Cops took a misdemeanor at best and made it a beating.

Look I am Biden’s boogey man here. I attended an Ivy league law school, have six figure student loan debt, and now work a job that pays me a six figure salary. I will ultimately be ok in life. I can pay my loans and my rent and my bills. But I can’t pay my loans and pay for childcare. I can’t pay my loans and buy a

Chicagoan here. Our property taxes suck and our city has its problems, but urban planning isn’t one of them.

Customers demand more ground clearance, so we raised the hood an extra foot. I get that ground clearance means raising hardware up which means lifting body lines but you go ahead and look me in the eye GM and tell me that the hood on the silverado 1500 and up is because of the 9 whole inches of ground clearance.

That was dam close. 

You know that Acura has seen some shit. The path from being driven home by a senior level manager to carting around meth heads and stolen cats is not for the faint of heart. And since it’s a Honda, it probably has another decade of human tragedy ahead of it.