
Lol, what?

Am I missing something? I see no connection other than the origins of the festival or party or whatever that would tie her to KKK leanings. If dumbass Black people wanted to join that bullshit, that’s of course their choice but I don’t see where she was personally connected to the KKK or even racism. I also think it’s

This town used to be named East Detroit, until the (white) residents decided it made them look bad to have ‘Detroit” in the name and voted to change it. Just so it’s clear what kind of place we’re talking about.

I read this earlier. Total abuse of authority on the cops who issued the citation. Noise/nuisance ordinances almost always pertain to car stereos, loud music, or in the case of a department dwelling, loud arguing neighbors. I could not tell if the officers heard her or took the word of the white woman. Unless Michigan

Remember the “Tot Finder” stickers people used to put on children’s bedroom windows, so the fire department could find kids?

Not a slide show?

Roadside rapid tests should be banned. The tests are, no doubt, going to test positive for whatever they are intended to detect - there is great doubt that they will test negative for everything else in the universe, which means plenty of false positives which means plenty of wrongful arrests, seizures, stays in jail

And then in the next election they state’s voters will march right in and grant power to these exact same guys again.

As Jordan Weissmann pointed out on Slate (https://slate.com/business/2021/05/republicans-states-unemployment-insurance-labor-vaccines-schools.html), the states that have been quickest to cut unemployment benefits have also generally been the worst at getting people vaccinated, ensuring that working remains dangerous.

It’s weird how you’re only hung up on the racial aspect when RRF highlighted several groups that they would be serving during the priority period. 

That word clearly doesn't mean what you think it means. 

What the professor Turley means is that the first amendment was meant to protect white speech. Apparently Black people making their thoughts and demands known is grounds for being run over by a car or shot under stand your ground fuckery.

John Oliver is a national treasure.  Yes, we have stolen him from the UK and he is ours.  

so will this be the thing that really collapses the economy?  Kicking people out and then complaining that they can’t find renters?

This kind of income disparity often leads to bad things. (1789)

Harley and Gm making just the big and expensive stuff and Ford giving up on cars, Home builders mostly building gigantic homes. This is a wide spread issue that will not get any better. With limited space and limited raw materials and ever fewer people with the money to buy the expensive stuff, I wonder how this trend

In all seriousness, though, this kind of thinking is what caused Chrysler/GM to suddenly have no appealing, affordable or desirable cars when the bottom fell out of the economy or when gas prices rose - so they had to go hat-in-hand to the government for a bailout.

It’s common on campuses with limited parking, yes.

“Haha, I’m a thief, isn’t that so funny guys?”

My son’s almost 18 months and I can’t stop buying goddamned Hot Wheels cars “for him”. Yes, he does love them and plays with them constantly, but the reality is that I’m buying them for myself to live vicariously through him.