Kurt Bevacqua

Same, I live in Manhattan and didn’t even hear about this today until I pulled up Deadspin. Why have I not been sent home from work yet?

This is my good dog

How would everyone else rank the best Zelda games since Kotaku crapped the bed on ranking it?

So this Trump guy,

Just allow ties. 9 innings, done. 162 games, who cares if there are a few ties.

That’s a hell of a photo.

That’s the joke, m9.

How about we restrict cars to track weekends and replace all mass-transit with trains, trams and buses?

“only obey the road rules when they want to” - You mean like how most drivers speed, talk/text while driving even in states where it’s a violation and many roll stop signs?

Best reply

This post is Hitler’s wet dream. I am also a regular person with all the same stuff you have, yet I also manage to be able to have some small amount of empathy and compassion.

This is news that directly concerns the automotive industry. And no, not by any objective measure would a wall/tariffs/anything at all be worth it.

“Why don’t you teach your son not to litter?” Is not a civil question to ask of someone who just called the police to report that their seven-year-old was allegedly choked by someone who accused them of littering.

and you can’t defend dogs as better than cats without sounding codependent and needy. if you think cats aren’t that great, you’re hanging out with the wrong cats my dude.

this is a Bad Take

Dogs and cats streaking together... Mass Hysteria!

One problem with elite is they always want to talk about actual news stories. We have to reach out to whites where they live—comment sections.

As much as I dislike both Brady and Belichick’s political stances, they are by far the best in the league at making sure that if they have a square peg, it is damn well getting slotted into a square hole. Coaches I’ve played under, and stories I’ve heard from other players make it very clear that this is the

I come to this website for SPORTS only... what is the score of the game? That’s all I want to know...