Came here for this. Was not disappointed.
Came here for this. Was not disappointed.
Hey Barry, how was your experience at the New York Post?
This was my first vehicle! (At 37 years old.) I bought it from a friend and we had to replace the gas tank after we realized the seam had a leak. Good times. I miss my Troop.
Even though your comment misses the point of what Handyandy58 was saying, I think it’s worth addressing your questions. 1) Yes, I moved to live there, albeit temporarily. Thousands of people do each year, some looking for the promise of better pay than what they had at home-even so-called migrant workers. It is home…
Great article, Felix.
Kieran Culkin stole a Hustler magazine that I received as a birthday gift from friends on a stop at this very dingy bar in Hell’s Kitchen. Eddie Kaye Thomas (of American Pie film series fame) was with him and did nothing to control Kieran. Uncool on both counts!
Just listened to episodes 1-3 during the return leg of my Labor Day road-trip. Great stuff!
Any thoughts on how to engage an acquaintance who has morphed from semi-reasonable individual to absolute tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist? Asking for a friend.
Favorite bourbon, rye, or whiskey? (In other words, what should I drink this weekend?)
Yeah, I also managed to catch the weightlifting final (which was impressive!) But only after exiting in and out of the app several times. Did not see Neikerk’s run on NBC Primetime, but maybe I missed it on the NBCSN.
I generally don’t experience a lot of user error with technology, but the NBC Olympics app has been glitchy and awful.
I don’t think it’s that difficult to insert a bit of programming during primetime coverage that highlights some of the lesser celebrated events, i.e., like the ones I mentioned above. If anything…
Good! Then I should clarify that it would be nice to see that full coverage in NBC Primetime where many viewers are taking in the events. I managed to catch the weightlifting event in full, but only after the app on Roku cooperated. I only saw the BBC coverage of the 400m.
I enjoy watching Kerri Walsh Jennings and April Ross, but I’m also a little over the relentless coverage of each of their matches in lieu of other sports. Yes, I get it’s a quarterfinal against the Aussies, but c’mon! Give me a glimpse of Sarah Robles taking bronze in weightlifting. Give me a taste of Wayde van…
What about Dutch Crunch? (An insufferable suggestion from a SF native. I’ll see myself out...)
Don’t forget the Arctic!
I’m just terrified for that suicidal bicyclist. Doesn’t he know he’s in Russia??
Your sports talk radio show is Sluggo and Goatface on 730, The Sports Devastation.