Aren't tits in the whole other price category?
Aren't tits in the whole other price category?
I introduced a coworker to Dropbox camera upload feature. He was stunned. He visits up to ten different sites in a week and takes about ten to twenty shots at each site. He used to load the photos to his computer over bluetooth so we are actively nagging our boss to give him 'the most patient engineer of a year' award.
When M$ builds something, it's shit.
I have said more than once to my girlfriend: if I could purr, I would. And I really would :)
I worked on meat processing plant years ago. This was super modern for it's time - built by finnish and equipped with a lot of interesting stuff. One of the most interesting (and annoying) systems was the rat-repellent PA. Speakers were mounted everywhere in and outside the processing building. The sound started at…
I would like to see anything these whiners have put together..
Hey, some people don't like Hitler. Some adore Stalin. Some draw a line at certain point on the color chart.
What about the other grandfather paradox? The one where you travel to past with intent to become your own grandfather? As briefly mentioned by Douglas Adams.
I would suggest that any '-graph', where photons are involved in process of making it, could rightly be called a 'photograph'. But that's just my logic and does not have to make any impact on the real world out there.
This makes me shrug once again.. Never actually got into this pay-a-buck-for-certain-one-tweak thing.
Writing down - things to do. Thanks!
Because 'fuck' is the worst word you can say, m'kay? :)
I would rather enjoy my small pension that spend another 40 years on some crappy job.
I probably will not see this before Collector's Edition comes out so it doesn't matter much to me, I guess.
Vote: ZZ Top.
I can only say I feel deep respect for your grandpa and I can only hope to become as patient as he must be..
Doing squats with strange gym equipment in a desert to Metallica's MTV hit.. Yup, this is The Thing.
I wonder what humankind's rape to consensual sex ratio is through the time humans can be considered humans and not apes.