Filmed in my street. The live action bits that is. Where the Monocle Shop is these days...
Filmed in my street. The live action bits that is. Where the Monocle Shop is these days...
... and they made the Cubra, the Joker, the Giorno and a few others more than ten years ago. So not sure what you mean about ‘not retro’. I rode a Joker for many years!
That’s the ice-breaker. The yacht is the one on the top labelled ‘yacht’.
Nice summary of what makes the 917 what it is. If you’ve not seen or heard one in person before, nothing can prepare you for the onslaught of noise and speed. Nor just how small and beautiful they are...
Here’s another Berlina (as the convertable Campagno are named), and another less than pristine Honda Coupe too:…
As well as the Yafuoku one, here’s another set of Coupe:…
Neat! I saw your touge post too, and if you want more information, like on the Usui Pass or even the classic C1 Shuto / Wangan run, ping me. We might even be able to organize a run with some kyusha for you too... Neko.
Note in Japan we distinguish between English ‘teachers’ and English ‘instructors’. Teachers are qualified professionals, and instructors are sometimes misfits often known as Charisma Man or Woman who gravitate towards such, as speaking English is really their only skill. I’ve no idea which our Cat is...
Then to be pendantic, the S360 was first. I was talking about the 600cc class... Sorry. I’ve spoken to the designer of the 360, 500, 600, and 800, and recently the designer and team lead of the 660, including before it was released. I’ve seen the new 360, driven 500, 600, 660, and 800, and would not claim to be an…
Actually, the name S660, is a direct take off the S600...
That’s filmed in my street. The basket shop and bicycle is still there too...
It was generally known at the time, the Revell model ‘revealed the design first’. This ad merely copied the model surely?
Is it a real GT-R or fake? How many Hako GT-Rs are there in the US?
Great read! The acrylic shifters are generally called ‘mizuhana’... Not to be confused with ‘hanamizu’, which means ‘snot’.
Loo-che actually...
Harajuku perhaps?
Ref taxes, you can perhaps read the facts, not myths:…
No such thing as an international license. Only allowed to drive on such permits as tourists. Max three months in Japan...
Agreed. Greatly exaggerated. I passed my driver and motorcycle both on the first time. As did the two friends sitting their motorcycle at the same time. Why let the facts get in the way of a good story?
A friend gets his in a few weeks, and hopefully we're then trading pics of my S800 chasing his S660 through Yokohama streets... Watch my usual place for the pics!