
You have a point there, but as no all Trump supporters are racist nazis, the “liberals” that start this fights do not represent all liberal people, extremist are always a minority in any group.

Disclaimer: Mexican here!

A hard 5/7

I stopped watching his videos since i find him boring lately, and now with this stuff i realize i haven´t unsuscribed yet, i think i need to clean my suscriptions...

This is partially truth for Mexican-americans: They’re not considered white, but they don’t see themselves as Mexicans anymore, and often act like assholes towards mexican people and new inmigrants, because:

I usually lure Takumi into attacking one of my mages, damaging him in the process, and then proceed to kill him with Cordelia (since, as she can fly, can avoid mountains), and with this any danger to Cordelia is done for (she is really good since, aside for Takumi’s, people use lots of Red characters in the game). To

This is a problem about what it can mean, as opposed to what it meant to be:

I’m not really a fan of Roy, but i got a 5 star one (and my only 5 star character so far) on my second try, so it’s cool...

I do have evidence of beating Tyson, but it’s on a VHS somewhere in my parents house...

May Lord Helix rest his soul

To me, James Rolfe (more than the AVGN) is an institution for all gamers, he’s such a nice and level headed guy, contrary to the AVGN, which makes it even more hilarious when you see this usually calm and chill guy dressed as a Nerd and complaining about a 20-25 year old game, while cursing and drinking beer.