
Oddly my brother and I started playing Rock Band 3 again a few weeks ago and were wondering if new Rock Band game would ever happen again. I just love it when these announcements then come along as if it's divine intervention or something :) Time to practice up on the drums again.

Still working on Persona 4 Golden, hopefully getting back into Monster Hunter 4 at some point this month, as well as starting up Tales of Hearts R. I have a rule though where I don't start another RPG until I finish another, and seeing how I'm only about 30 hours into P4G, I might be putting off Hearts R again...and

I've seen grown adults throw temper tantrums, threaten to kill managers, and throw merchandise at employees before in retail, but wow your story is on another level.

Something similar has happened twice in the past five years I have been working at a department store. The first time was when I found a giant turd in our seasonal department. I was so shocked by what I saw, yet I got a dustpan and cleaned it up myself in a totally cationic state. Back then we had carpeted floors so

Come on, no one remembers Tonic Trouble?

Honestly there are some rare Pokemon out there that are borderline impossible to get these days. I think you can get Mew through the Pokemon Bank but it requires an extraordinary amount of Pokemon to be stored. Jirachi and some of the other Pokemon on the above list too are Event related so you either have to wait for

Christie as Buu, that is so fitting.

Interesting read. I follow the Primal Blueprint, which takes cues from the Paleo diet but is not about following a strict "hunter-gather" lifestyle. In fact, I did not even realize there were people that went to that extreme in the Paleo diet. For me, being Primal means being smarter about your health and food

I live in New Jersey, and I used to love our wonderful mild winters. Two freezing cold winter seasons later, now I utterly and unrelentingly despise winter.

The Pirate Warriors games offer a way to get the gist of the early and middle story (they completely ignore Skypeia and Thriller Bark for better or worse). I personally found the games to be way too abridged though. I would recommend just reading through the manga if you could as it seems to pace much quicker. It's

Similar to the other articles about the same subject, I personally never made the connection between One Piece characters to others outside of the series. I only sort of noticed them after looking at the comparisons.

I will admit, there is a certain sameness to a lot of anime I see these days. I did not really have much of an anime childhood outside of Pokemon and it wasn't until the early 00's when I first got into Fullmetal Alchemist and Dragonball Z. I took a long hiatus from anime until I think about 2010 when my friend

Growing up, I had very little money but plenty of time to play the few games I had. Fast forward to today where I have spending money, every major platform and handheld device and tons of games to play on each platform but no time anymore to play games. And Steam sales only add to my ever growing backlog of games to

Gamestop's website claims that they might get more Shulk in on February 13, but I guess we will see how well that goes.

Great website, still annoying as heck though to get the rarer Amiibos. And still kicking myself for not pre-ordering Shulk from Gamestop when I saw he was available back in December..

I'm not sure I understand why someone would do this. Sure Steam and many other stores have their issues, but I'm not about to throw my hands in the air and abandon a service that continues to give me value simply because it makes a "bold" statement to do so.