The Logic and Rationale Police

My thoughts, exactly. If you're on the ground (and have gravity), a mech makes sense. In space, it would be completely pointless. I didn't see any ground combat here to justify the extra weight and complexity a transforming battle platform would require.

Hands down, the biggest annoyance is people who leave because they're losing in a fighting game. You're just starting to get into it when BANG they're gone.

This trailer didn't really show me why the jet needed to transform into a mech. Transforming is cool, but the mech just seems tacked on.

Yeah, seems like it from the trailer, sadly enough.

I personaly wish that they would go really old-school with this new Wolfenstein. Having puzzles, gory combat with balsy guns, etc... I hope they'll do just that. :)

Done right, it could be great.

You can also do a lot of data streaming to get around load screen screens as well.

But it's PS4... Still "counts" as 1080p... apparently...

"Hey, listen!" Yeah, and in cut scenes. Or when the game pans to your goal.

Like targeting in Legend of Zelda?

It should, and likely does.

Yes, except 60fps DOES equate to better. It looks and feels better. Objectively. It has nothing to do with 'feel'. A game running at 30fps feels technically underwhelming, that's about it. As if the console isn't powerful enough to make it smooth and beautiful. Still looking forward to this game, but I don't like

The fuck? My TV isn't 2.40:1. This isn't a goddamn movie that was on a giant theater screen before being put on Blu-Ray for my TV at home. This is a video game. Fit it to my fucking TV.

Wait... this was the hyped trailer?
That was terrible!

I mean, Ok the concept is nice and all but everyone is dying to get a good look at the gameplay..... not another "cinematic" trailer

That's bullshit.

Except 60FPS is inherently better than 30.

Not sure if Sonic is going to be psychologically stable at the release after that.

I hope Sakurai gets better

I think it's better with DK.

Dog penis..

Oh, my, I too dropped it after it got to a point where they distributed the same battle scene across, like, a whole year. So that was the "final battle" then? Huh.