The Logic and Rationale Police

Looks like after years and years of nefarious tactics and dungeon management, Ganon finally said, "You know what? Screw it! This is WAR! Send in Everyone!"

How quickly everyone forgets the NGage.

To be fair here, "focus on" does not mean "exclusively". It's not outside the realm of possibility that they may tease things that are further out.

You can't expect that and have it come from YouTube and posted on Kotaku. You would have seen this at a different site.

Yeah, I picked up AC4 and Killzone at launch and I've been playing Resogun, Warframe and DC Universe from the PSN. I could REALLY use something new to play. I like the system a lot. It just would have been nice if there had been more available at launch. March is awfully far away.

Agreed. I have an Xbox One though and am digging Forza 5, Dead Rising 3, and am looking forward to Titanfall a few months down the road.

I feel you. Its just the first few months though. As with any console, no publisher would be willing to bring their biggest titles so early in its lifetime. March of 2014 is very crowded, and driveclub and watch dogs are bound to drop.

nice to see I'm not the only one madly in love with that start menu.

I'd like to disagree.

I would rather play a game with slightly less graphical "wow" and some innovative gameplay than a COD Ghost on X1. Ni No Kuni is a very pretty game. Old Smokey was so freaking stunning.

Somewhat related to the crazy double standards from all sides, I saw the classic philosoraptor meme below and had a good chuckle:

From all the console-wars crap that's been thrown all over the internet, it seems people only care about graphics. Not even good graphics but as long as it runs at 1080p and at 60 fps it's better than everything else. Doesn't matter if you've played the same game for the past 5 years with minimal innovation.

that "crack" is called expertise

It would be funny if you knew what I was doing right now (3D modeling) and what I've been spending the last couple years spending most of my free time doing (making video games) because I'm well aware of what it takes to make something realistic.

Or how about just Zumba itself. It is technically exercise but it's so dumb! But a certain sort of person loves it because it's social and you dance...

Most gamers would get tired of this after a few weeks if not the first day. Imagine how much sprinting you would have to do in COD. Imagine how tired you would be afterward. Maybe if you are 15-22 and are in good shape that doesn't sound like a big deal but alot of gamers are getting older. I'm not gonna be on there

Or ridiculous KSSN requirements, like KartRider... Yay, Taiwan!KartRider !

The average gamer is overweight, doesn't go to the gym regularly and eats satisfactory to poor meals. I know this to be true because I know the average gamer is simply the average person.

They should have hired Kondom who did Bondage Fairies. Now that guy can draw bugs fucking like a boss. :D

Decent list, but obviously not everyone will agree. What are your guys' top 12 PC titles?