
Even people who like video games do not like watching people play video games (for the life of me I can not understand the draw of PewDiePie) unless there is some passing of the paddle. In our household we have multiple systems so if someone wants to play a game the other person can go play their own or watch a movie.

Does stuff fall off of people at EDM concerts causing Pink Eye? (That was so alternately gross and hilarious. )

"You guys!!!! It was totally just like the Haulocaust, and the Government treats JUST LITERALLLY like slaves!!! I'm lucky my life has been so privilaged and nice that I can't comprehend how fucking ridiculous my comparisons are!!!"

Do they pick up Illuminati radio?

Well, Amber is actually a highly smexxy, advanced cyborg who used to be human, who has to do all her time jumping to stop Kanye who will someday design an ugly shoe that achieves a malignant sentience. (And wants to destroy the world!)

And Amber went back in time, and is Kim's mother! PLOT TWIST!

See, I like video games, and am also female, (just mentioning because we seem to be invoking "fake perfect girlfriend" below, and her fake perfect love of gaming, I sense a trend starting) but watching anyone else do something for 3 hrs that you can't participate in does suck. It's neither "time together" nor

Hahhahahaaa! Sorry, I don't really care for him or Shailene Woodley but it does seem that The Fault in Our Stars made them both seem much more interesting and sensitive than perhaps they are.

Yeah, I am also in California, and also in the Bay Area. People were having cookouts around Lake Merrit in their shorts and short sleeves yesterday and the day before, and I saw several folks in sandals. Again, I'm willing to agree it is cooler in parts of SF, (and that Mark may have felt chilly) just not cold enough

I made it balmy and pleasant for you? Yeah, I'm the worst. ;p

65 is a comfortable room temperature. Since SF, especially the area Mark mentioned rarely goes above 72-75 this is just extra silly.

Maybe those Pjams are really skimpy? Idk, you could get heatstroke in CA in 2 pairs of flannels right now.

I have friends who live in The Sunset, I know its like 10 degrees cooler on average than the rest of SF. It's still 56 degrees there right now. :/

It is unseasonably warm here, and I feel bad for my relatives (and you of course) stuck on the East Coast. I had the impression that Mark was West Coast tho, so his statement confused me. Perhaps he's visiting Boston or something?

Mark, you are in SF right? It's 60 degrees in SF atm. It's like 67 in Berkeley and Oakland.


Here, buzzfeed link with Khloe pics. Idk it proves much of anything other than she's had a lot of work done, but agree she doesn't really look like her dad, brother or sisters. I agree that I don't see O.J. either. :/

I like them better than the spider ones though.

Blech, it was really low of Khloe.

Ugh, when I saw that I hoped the modelling thing was made up. I hope she has a more fulfilling and less dramatic life than her mother did. :(