
I was intending to state the theory I'd seen passed around, as well as the fact that to my knowledge there was no completed study that agreed with those facts.

Stern; upon learning that Sam Smith was gay, went on about how effeminate and gay he looked too. :( Dude looks fairly handsome to me.

I do too when I eat pizza in a nice shirt. You can use your fork ti fend off anyone who comes at you. ;)

An obession with pure diet that controls a person's life is called Orthorexia Nervosa. Idk if this is really recognized by Physicians though.

I bet you it was SWTOR, not KOTOR. ;)

The theory (I dont think it's proven) is that no calories sweetners trick your body into not knowing when it's full, and because they are so super sweet, into craving more sweets. So, no soda calories, but more food eaten overall.

I ate people who ask waitstaff/anyone not a BFF, sibling or spouse to try their nasty food. Nobody wants to touch your spitty, half eaten food or drinks. I was once at a work luncheon and a co-worker got really huffy that there was no plan to give half eaten food that had sat out for however long to the local

My experience in retail (not food service) is that free stuff makes people want more free stuff, rather than just being thankful. :(

That's pretty frigging horrible. I guess you can only blog about stuff that's important to you under a gender neutral nom de plume. :/ I hope you go back to blogging, most def in a way that feels safe to you.

That's what he said!!!! :D

They must have eaten some gluten filled muffins or pizza crust. Why didn't those stupids get the vegan, dye, gluten and paraben free cupcakes?!

Those apps seem to want a lot of permissions. Download if you want I guess, idk why a free photo app needs access to your contact list tho.

It never stopped Terrence Howard did it? I blame Mackie's PR person, I'm sure lots of actor's are D-bags, they just keep it a secret during interviews.

Well, not sure which explanation you were going for, but in the 1800s they also did a fair amount of postmortem photography.


I once had ( at a retail store) some dude go OFF on me because I offered to ring him up while he was in the line for the register with the missing (break) attendant. (Yeah, he got in the line that suspicious had no other customers, while the other was 3 deep.)

My husband got a pizza in Australia that had salami they called pepperoni. He avoided pizza the rest of the trip.

Dude/dudette, after the massacre at Sandy Hook we had/have gun owners screaming and harrassing ppl about how it's a fake event masterminded by the Government.

That sounds like a breach of medical ethics. Its clearly dangerous for the non vaccinated child, and likely other children they'll come in contact with.

Portland OR too I'm pretty sure. They're gonna have to eventually deny entry to public schools for non vaccination, especially since they've been trying to mainstream kids with immune deficiencies and allergies. (Some kids are allergic to vaccine ingredients. )