
I'm pretty sure that it's so Jesus wasn't tainted by original sin. Also, God presenting himself to a virgin then having sex with her sounds kind of creepy. (At the very least it's a terribly unequal relationship.) Jesus and God are also the same person, as well as Father and Son so far as I understand it. So God

The author is female. In which way was she wrong about Mary?

And on glee. (Well, Quinn wasn't a virgin I don't think, but she conceived without penetration in a hot tub. Damn you Ryan Murohy!)

Speaking of errors, the author is female. What was off about Mary though?

Ugh, I had a pal have to stop playing Madden with strangers on Xblive because kids would scream the N-word and other obsenties at him. Little assholes.

Brewer's yeast increases milk production, so I'm wondering if thats how the myth started? I hope you enjoyed the beer at least. Thank goodness there wasn't a myth about liverwurst shakes!

The couple women in my family that do big holiday parties ask the guests to bring a dish, and have their husbands and children help with the cooking and cleaning. Beverages are usually soda or wine you self serve in disposable flutes.

His ex Lisa Marie suggested Burton was something of a cheater in an interview, (intimating they separated because of a romance with Bonham on the Planet of the Apes set) and incidentally, he apparently left his wife for Lisa Marie. Marie also tried unsuccessfully to sue Burton for fraud based on financial promises he

I suppose Scarlet Johansen is too old to be the object of desire in an Allen film now. Baaarf. Please don't make this film Jlaw.

Well, it's their private property, they were within their rights to ask the protesters to leave. (I'm not saying it was the kinder or more caring option or anything of the sort.)

Sita, he's a sad little boy or man using this lady and her son's loss of a home at Christmas to make trolly posts about how men aren't responsible for their problems or abuses against women because of a nebulous mental illness that wouldn't meet the standard of incompetence in a court of law.

Obvious troll is also lonely and relates badly to women. :'( QQ

Honestly, ladies would be better off if next time they said yes, doped the dude with spiked drinks, and woke his ass up in a spooky soundproof basement - dungeon with dental implements laying about. Maybe rough him up a bit. Convince men you don't like you're too crazy to be worth their time ladies!

He/she's just mouth dancing like nobody's looking. You do you. :)

Are we (in the US) in danger of losing our "World's Largest Jailer" title?

"Baby, you look just like your Mom in this light..."


I thought Reeves spent a lot of his upbringing in Hawaii, and is part Hawaiian. His name is Hawaiian too I think.

Rooney Mara.

I think you could totally get away with the Lord of Dreams speaking the flawlessly accented language of whomever he was interacting with, he has no fixed ethnicity. I remember him developing African features during one interaction in the graphic novels. Maybe they could show that by dubbing the actor?