
Also vegetarian. Haha, you get the side eye from Vegan pals, and the lectures from meat-centric omnivorous pals. Guess we've found the perfect balance of pissing off everyone ?

No, you can either be vegan, or vegetarian, or omnivorous. I guess you could maintain a vegan diet, while using animal products like leather or gelatin, but people wouldn't consider that vegan.

I'm gonna pretend that's Morrissey, and that he's pretty much Cinderella at home, watching netflix with raccoons, while rats clean his toilet, and birds do his gardening.

Why can't this sort of thing ever happen at the gathering of the Juggalos ?

I want to see Dubya try to piss off his dad by doing a series of militant Black Power paintings. And I want them to sell more than those Zimmerman tracings.

Seems like this person is bad ar HR. Depending on the State you should have a ten min break every 3 hrs, a half hr lunch break after 4 hrs so thats 20 min a day of non clock- out break, and 30 of clock out.

HR dude watches a lot of porn on his tablet during bathroom breaks.

I think both of them are behaving badly. Some of these disagreements seem like Halle attempting to cut her ex out of their daughter's life. I feel bad for Nahla.

I'm pretty sure they draw an income leasing/renting out land. Also investments apparently.

You must mean the "farm equipment" quip. I naively wondered for 2 sec who'd brought a tractor or riding lawn mower to protest before realizing that the little shitbird meant black people. Nasty little brat.

Clarissa votes Republican and considers herself conservative. Says she's for marriage equality though. Idk. Endorsed Romney/Ryan though.

Comments on the linked FKA Twigs /Rpatz article are gross. Twigs is intelligent, interesting, and crazy beautiful.

Igloo Australia ?

I think the phrase works. Executed by the State for the crime of his blackness. Character assassination to follow. "He'd have done something eventally !" Suspect previously detained in sub-standard housing by a city that didn't care about him. Here is a picture fom Akai's twitter of him in a halloween costume - see

Your hair looks lovely.

Blonde in the back reminds me of Hillary Clinton !

Well, I've actually had to ask a good friend (who is gay) not to call women bitches or breeders. I'm female , and I found both terms reductive. YMMV. I agree with your other points.

I agree, but look how long Jerry Sandusky got ignored. Or, in non-sports Jimmy Savile. I'm going to guess that the people who allow these types of things to continue don't admit that they happened, even to themselves.

FSU gave him a scholarship for his football abilities. The school likely spent a significant amount of time and money on Winston, and didn't want there investment jeopardized. I'm sure after he won the trophy the impetus to keep his name and the school's out of the mud increased.

Think this was a parody account actually.