
Bunch a' slack jawed faggots. That movie will make you a sexual tyrannosaurus. Just like me.

30 seconds in and I had to stop it because I was laughing. I'm trying to learn something Shane Black, can't you knock it off for a minute?

It doesn't look like a bomb, it looks like an apple with lines coming out of it. We're going to pull up beside them and say "don't open the briefcase..its full of fresh fruit!"

Great commentary elevates everything though. There's never been a match that couldn't be improved by some prime J.R play by play or prime Jesse Ventura special comments.

His house looked like shit.

Well, its Jesse who has the bun in the oven right now.

The worst part about the comic plan is the idea that the psychic's brain was just removed and augmented or whatever and it is just thrown in there without explanation. He actually was a psychic with real psychic powers. In a story that makes it important that its not a fantastical realm populated by people with

Cassidy wears sunscreen.

She's still waiting.

With the reveal of Tulips miscarriage, my mind immediately jumped back to that scene with her and Emily. Where she's fixing the kids toy and offering to watch the kids for the afternoon. Aw.

Gotta follow a line like that with a Jeb Bush "please clap"

See, I assumed he just had a hot as balls wife. She finally dressed up for him and got dirty and this is what happens!

They also exchange looks in the church.

I don't think you're going to get much argument from anyone that Born Again isn't the go to story at this point.

Those Supeman stories almost all immediately make him physically vulnerable though. So they're not really stories about a physically invincible character.

It's not just dumb, it's flat out wrong. They don't have to tell you the name of the movie, because the movie is eponymous.

I basically just made this same post before reading yours. So yeah. Hi Five.

13 episodes is just too much. I think thats true of all the Marvel series so far (and will probably be true going forward).

Only if I get bored.

I just came in here to hear some words that rhyme with Corey.