
I actually just wanted to make that joke. I didn't even bother to check the subject matter or which side of the debate you fell.

Well If you're going to be a pinata, could you try not to be so full of shit? That doesn't end well for anyone.

Add more full stops and allcaps. That will help. Do it while you explain this bit

I think you're wrong about the reactionary nature of the people with a horse in this race. Even the people on the right side of it. Sure, there will be people who will react with sense and logic. And there there will be the assholes. On both sides.

I am not invested in the ghostbusters remake one way or the other. Nor in a narrative I've constructed. If its shit like the trailer made it look, i'll shrug. If its good like the early reviews make it sound, I'll shrug.

I've been hoping its just the trailers. Its annoying within 30 seconds. At feature length it could ruin the whole exercise.

I think the offer to watch the kid was sinsere. She was watching Amy interact with her daughter pretty intently even though she pretended not to be.

Absolutely. Those albums felt really good in the moment, but I can't say I've gone back to them at all. They seem really dull, unimaginative albums in hindsight IMO.

I tend to think that this is largely the album we would have gotten had the group stayed together anyway. A lot of it is a natural progression from the Use Your Illusion stuff, with some industrial flourish.

They wrote a bunch of stupid disposable pop with big angry guitars and a wigger rapping nonsense. Whats not to like?

The point is not that they convince Jesse not to use the Word at all. Clearly they fail. But not because Jesse doesn't believe them. He just doesn't care.

My take is that Jesse believes what they're saying, but he's kind of a fuckin arsehole so he just doesn't care in regards to using its power generally. Their moral argument fell on deaf ears. But because he wants to keep it he will acquiesce when they argue that using it in a particular way could result in him losing

They flat out have this conversation. Its all in dialogue. Its spread out over the two scenes. Begins outside the diner and continues in the room.

Its a really good rock album. But it has so much baggage that being really good isn't enough. It had to be astonishing to even break even.

They did.

He didn't forget and its not crappy writing. Jesse suggests using The Word on the Seraphim. Deblanc and Fiore talk him out of it.

"I'll fix it. I'll fix the art thing"
Was what she said.

Yes. And I see that as both a strength and a weakness.

Arseface having subtitles is a running gag in the comic, so they just ported it over from there.

There'd be an official version of events and there'd be public knowledge.