
It still happens in the book. Coldhands takes Sam to the Blackgate. Same and Bran meet at the Nightfort and Sam guides them through the Wall to meet Coldhands. There they all make Sam swear not to tell anyone.

I don't think shes much of an actress, but she does have presence. You're not watching anyone else in any of her scenes.

Cersei only admitted to incest with Lancel.

And because Chekovs wildfire caches will come in handy.

The knowledge of the wildfire caches all over kings landind is going to be pretty valuable information when the dead of Winter comes to town dont you think?

He also went to great lengths to establish that as a family they are obsesswd with all manner of burning shit. So I agree that searching nay stretching for reasons on top of is completely unnecessary.

The dreaded heel vs heel main event. There's a reason they hardly ever book those.

I don't even care about the succession laws of primogeniture. Because it doesn't actually matter as much as people think it does. Danny is the last Targaryen heir. And the entire realm knows it. So if you believe in anyones's right to the throne through the Targaryen line and not through Roberts line through right of

Even with all the ifs that need to go into that, his claim isnt near as strong as Dany or even Aegon.

Well, when the horse gets tired Hodor would just carry the horse for a spell too.

He didnt tell Jon that Bran was alive. Bran made Sam promise not to tell him.

The title of Episode 10 is "The Winds of Winter"

If all he does is sit in his castle and fret, that would make his leaving of the castle even more noticeable event. I'd imagine Kevin Lannister would have his life highly structured. He'd have a daily schedule. Lessons, recreation etc. All regimented. He wouldn't be able to just take off with a couple of guards.

How would Jaqen have any notion of her having such a gift? Arya in the show doesn't. Non book readers certainly wouldn't. How would Jaqen?

Most recent example would be when we checked in on Tyrion for a scene that was specifically about the fact that he had nothing to do and nothing to say.

We're all trying not to.

For a show that is constantly jumping all over the place to and from such disparate storylines and scenes, it is really weird that it doesn't put any effort into trying to make those transitions interesting.

Dismissed from the Kingsguard as Barriston was. Which would mean he is free to claim his right as Lord of Casterly Rock. And probably makes him Warden of the West. So still in service to the Crown.

As far as excuses for being obsessed by fire and placing enormous wildfire caches in every corner of the city goes "pending attack by zombies who only die from fire" is pretty good.