
We are crossing our steams with dickishness now.

It is a strange property to get too bent out of shape about, I agree. The sequel was already a piece of crap.

Right. 7 rambling paragraph article we're commenting on is clearly the much simpler answer.

How much gayer can Stay Puft get? His climax shot white gooey discharge all over 4 dudes faces while they were crossing their streams all over his belly.

You are literally copying and pasting (someone elses comment) here.

Well, I didn't say that first part. So thats kind of a straw man.

In all seriousness, I don't think there is this level of intensity you're talking about. I see the same type of outright dismissal of it as a property from the interweb hyperbole machine as I see for everything else.

It really didn't. People reacted the way they always do. "Dat iz gnna suk"

You get that a lot huh?

You really want me to explain to you why there isn't a bunch of outraged reactions to the trailers for a bunch of movies that don't have trailers out yet?

I think thats bullshit. The intensity, if it is greater than it is for any famous property (i'm not convinced it is), then it is as a result of all the think pieces like this that tell people what they really think. That the only explanation for thinking it looks like the drizzling shits is because you're a misogynist.

He never abandoned his principals. He was willing to sacrifice his honor to protect someone he loves. He wasn't trying to save his own life. But the lives of his family and he's willing to falsely admit to treason to do it.

Well, GRRM has confirmed outside the text that all the stark kids are wargs.

Critics have seen the first 4 episodes and confirm that The Saint if Killers is introduced and they flashback to do his origin.

How do you know it was holy water? It could have just been tequila.

Certainly. Crossed is too caustic to be any fun. It didn't really make much of an impact on me. I just kind of glossed over all the horribleness and I couldn't name a single character if you held a Horsecock to my head. (Ok, maybe one!)

Awesome friendships are apparently not good enough for "the internet"

That came from Jojen.

Its not his finest work, but its tonnes of fun. I think it rubbed a lot of people the wrong way with its utter contempt for Superheros.

A warg can live a 2nd life as a beast. But the part that was human fades away and they're just an animal. And if you dont have a beast (or a person willing to submit) when you die, your consciousness just fades away. This happened to Varamyr in the Dance prologue. So the 3ER is cant just be floating around all over.