Kullervo will rise again

White people ignored Botham Jean’s death? I’m pretty sure even Breitbart was unequivocally condemnatory of the cop who shot him.

I mean, maybe? Crazier things have happened. He won’t face anyone threatening - either another ancient boxer or a celebrity with no boxing experience.

Warren is massively unpopular, as her performance in the primary demonstrated. She is only the “best” to a very-online minority. 

Clever way of admitting that you didn’t even read the article. Good stuff. 

Settle down, weirdo. My argument is that you’re not a card-carrying lefty pinko if you first choice was Warren. This has nothing to do with Trump or Biden. 

Latinx voters aren’t a monolith and Florida is a prime example of why: Cuban expats skew to the right. Bernie wasted Biden with Mexican and Central American voters. 

Obama was an exciting candidate. Kerry was not. 

What an absolutely vile thing to say. You’re allowed to dislike Sanders or some of his supporters but don’t erase the work of the working class women of color who put their blood, sweat and tears into the campaign. Shame on you.

Um...if Biden loses to Trump it absolutely will be Biden’s fault. 

love being a “card carrying lefty pinko” and supporting someone who said they were a “capitalist to their bones” good stuff

He easily secured the nomination after the other candidates all got on their knees and ate his ass on March 2nd. Don’t get it twisted. 

That wasn’t the point of this article at all, though...

Dude, the 12% was never Hillary’s to have in the first place.

This is the fundamental misunderstanding everyone gets about the Left. It isn’t “all about Bernie,” it’s all about his platform. We would ditch Bernie in an instant if he compromised on his ideals - something that can’t be said for the chorus of people who are smearing Tara Reade. 

And you are a white person doing digital blackface. Next question. 

This come as a massive surprise to you, but the general electorate isn’t the same as the dem primary electorate! 

You lost in 2016 against a damn reality TV host. When YOU win a general election, you can give advice! Again - ignore the Left at your own peril in 2020. It will be your fault - and only your fault - if Biden loses to Trump. 

She was untrustworthy. She made her name as an opponent of Biden’s bankruptcy policy and didn’t ONCE attack Biden for it during the campaign. This isn’t even getting into lying about her ancestry.

Nominating Biden doesn’t help Biden win either.

Biden is going to lose 4o states in November and it will be largely the fault of people like you who failed to secure a general election coalition.