Ku Klux Klam

This all stems from the public’s poor understanding of science....and to make matters worse a lot of these clowns double down on the ignorance. Sadly the people most likely do die are the ones to sick, frail or young to be properly vaccinated. They rely on ‘heard immunity’ for protection. Ten year old Addison gets

They should cast Maud Adams in this. That would be bitching....if she’s still alive.

Did Miller/Coors submit a bid to keep the rights or did they just let it expire. Sounds like naming rights went to the highest bidder. Ownership easily could have accepted a bid from Coors/Miller but wanted to make sure they managed to get as much money as possible. Not a shame, just capitalism at work. If the Klam

Maybe its just me but I found his performance on “The Deuce” pretty blah. Not awful just average. Nothing about it said ‘breakout turn’ to me.

Screw killing baby Hitler. Somebody go back in time and kill baby Ryan Seacrest!!!

I loved plays AC on my PS2. I needed to get an S-rank on every mission otherwise I’d force myself to re-play the mission. Fucking loved that game. Glad the spirit is intact for the ps4.

What a shame he can only become a $375,000,000 man. What a shame. In the end it will all come down to money and somehow he will end up a Yankee.

All I remember from this movie is when James Marsden bones her in the car after a night of drinking. What not to like about that?

If you allow these dolts on Instrgram to influence you in any way and/or you get all your news from Facebook headlines and your twitter feed you deserve every bad thing that happens to you. Just a few years ago Miss Calloway would have been considered an unemployed slacker. Now she’s an unemployed slacker with an free

Thinking back on S2 it really wold have benefited from 1 less character. Either Vince or Rachel just made it a bit too over stuffed.

Ted is bat shit crazy. Take what he says with a grain of salt. The CTE is strong with that one.

Yes, but as Hart says (I think it was him anyway) they got ‘”their’s”. 

From this and a few other reviews it sure sounds like Ali is good enough to justify watching all on his own.

I’m old (but not that old) RE2 came out 21 years ago, not 31.

Patients is a virtue here. Older games can be had cheap (some times really cheap) if your willing to wait. Which is suppose is fine for single-player games but for the hot new multiplayer games it’s hard to wait.

Ask for “voluntary” DNA tests for all male employees with access to the patient in the last 9 months, then get medieval on the asses of anybody who says no. You’ll have a pretty good suspect list in about a week. Not exactly the most liberal approach from a civil liberties point of view but no doubt effective. I feel

Warren Zevon did the some thing. Check out the song ‘keep me in your heart for a while”

gotta add him to my dead pool.

It astonishes me that people give 2 shits about HS reunions. Never been to one and never felt the need. I keep in touch with a few folks from HS but thats about it.

Tomlin runs some tight ship over there. Still no chance he gets canned. He’s got Marvin Lewis type job security (second only to Bellichick level job security). This shit has been going on for years.