Kuili J8i9

Yeah, I’m not getting V. Done. Over it. Not supporting this shit anymore. Supporting it for the staff that are abused is akin to paying for the taxi back home to an abuser. It doesn’t make sense. Plus, seriously, it’s not like they get a percentage of the sales...

Surprising only the idiots at Square-Enix that thought this was a good idea I suppose...

I would give Nintendo thousands of dollars over the year if they’d actually get a clue and re-release games more timely and smartly across all platforms available on 3DS and Wii-U. Seriously, I added up the games and the assumed prices and it’s quite a bit of potential being wasted. And frankly 75% is simply nintendo

“Equality unless it doesn’t suit my argument”

The most fucking asinine article I have ever fucking read here. Totally missing the real concerns with these privacy concerns. Fucking brilliant! But hey, you get to argue for your paycheck. Fuck off and goodbye.

For me Steam’s overlay supercedes this so it is also annoying to get it to work at times.

Only half the battle. The second half is for it to look like the 0 and 1 remakes, not the shitty modern polygon look but a more cinematic look. But they need to ditch the brown color palatte and remember what 2 looked like. Also, keep the fixed angles.

We got that. It didn’t work very well. At all. So no, lets just go back to what worked while we can. Capcom will be dead in 5 years.

Not available in USA you little tease...

Super Strike V’ Ball

If this were done like the remake it’d need to be nearly black and white...

Eh, I’d rather play this if I am going to have to deal with a spider.

I’d still stay far away from 4K for gaming. The returns are still awful and the optimizations are nearly non-existent. It’s great when it works but is it worth it? No, not really. I’d suggest people invest in the stop gap that is 2560x1440 resolution monitors. They still look great up to 28”, maybe even 32”, you’ll

I’d still stay far away from 4K for gaming. The returns are still awful and the optimizations are nearly

Nerds sometimes...

Yeah, no. Fuck you Rockstar. This game took in BILLIONS. “Piracy” is not a threat to you. This “mod” was not a threat to you. You’re just afraid to lose out on shark card sales, which by the way, is why GTA Online is fucking terrible in the first place. Your concern is not about fun but about selling cards. Why do you

Grow Home will get it surprising no one and giving idiots the illusion of “control”.

If the game would have played as well as it looked it might have been a different story.

I can back his claim. I have it as well, but I don’t think it was entirely related to Mafia 2 since I was late to that party, I think it may have been an early 2k pack or some cross-promotion.

Blah blah blah. The fact is that they haven’t really ever put much effort into their battlemode maps. THAT’S the problem.

Welcome to the PvP problem in every game.