Nah, there’d still be porn.
Nah, there’d still be porn.
Mix shortening and powder sugar along with some decent vanilla (if it’s at walmart it’s not decent. Batko Vanilla at Amazon is decent and doesn’t have a huge premium per oz) and you have oreo breadback in a tub.
The problem, of course, was allowing him out in the real world to do snacktakus in parking lots near the restaurants.
Consoles support it just fine, with varying degrees of proper and improper implementation. It’s just that most games aren’t made to recognize them.
You know, with cellphones being what they are and controller attachments coming in all sorts of well done flavors...if you’re going to do this nonsense still, do it right. Put some ART into the design. I don’t mean aesthetically but practically.
HAH! Airplane blankets are no longer a thing. You liar. Oh now you’re saying you did this pre cattle drive days? Tch, whatever.
Instead they gave us more mindless, generic, boring dungeons that do basically nothing for the game 9.999999999999/10 times. Yay, Bethesda!
Specious reasoning. To say the least.
I actually like Tomb Raider better. Sure, uncharted did it sooner the right way but it’s a bit like groundhog’s day, the sequels, and I couldn’t be less excited or compelled about the PS4 one.
Great. And since they made me fucking wait THEY can wait now and I’ll only buy the inevitable GOTY or the base game at a massive discount.
STFU. I am looking forward to playing RE0 on PC, as flawed as it can be. I am also BEGGING for Code Veronica to be ported to PC along with 2/3 gamecube/dc versions, and I would absolutely love to see 2,3,CV get the REremake treatment, just with less brown.
A counter argument is: No. For Square-Enix it doesn’t work very well. They’re pretty decent at coming out with a great title that people beg for sequels or enfranchisement but never get and they’re decent at franchising a series from time to time, but their record with sequels is abysmal.
There’s no point in making a third console that powerful. And if Nintendo is indeed THAT stupid, well shit...
I have yet to see an unreal 4 game I like. I fucking hate the engine’s lighting system. Every forest scene I’ve seen that involves a green forest is awful. This trailer included. They almost universally look the same if people aim for a “realistic” view and it’s just awful. Seemingly universally.
Rogue Squadron is such a simple game that you really don’t need a certain studio to do it. Hell, even EA could manage to do it right.
You can get the mod/s optimizations away from Steam, it just requires more work.
Fantasy is fantasy no matter the form. Parents, mentors, and peers teach values, not media consumption.
The only thing Rockstar cares about online play is that no one is cheating for money. Lest they lose sharkcard sales.
It launched just fine. Performance all around was great and very surprising coming from the assholes at Rockstar. It was only until the patches and mainly the last one, that they started fucking up.
The only thing this bullshit sale did was make me happy I don’t have Prime.
The only thing this bullshit sale did was make me happy I don’t have Prime.