I have a really hard time finding simple geometric shapes being properly textured as something that’s truly “great”... The lighting is still fairly shitty, reflections suck, shadows are ok but they’re not exactly being put through the ringer here...
I have a really hard time finding simple geometric shapes being properly textured as something that’s truly “great”... The lighting is still fairly shitty, reflections suck, shadows are ok but they’re not exactly being put through the ringer here...
Yup it’s gonna suck. THe only thing you should do to VII is EXPAND on it. Not rewrite it. Not the little nuggets of fun in the story, the side stuff, the COLORFUL aesthetic.
Worst yet, there’s a growing movement of people that believe you shouldn’t earn anything from what you create and that magically and communistically if you create it should be instantly shared and reaappropriated to how any idiot thinks it should be.
Looks like uninspired shit. This series took a real dive when it went 3D and that trend doesn’t seem to be changing...
You could tell Sega to eat it if the kickstarter reaches 30 million. As it stands this is but a drop in the bucket and merely a glorified marketing test for a certain big name to push in more money.
Hate the TERRIBLE Advent Children look. The true charm of VII was that it was dystopia with fucking color for once (with good use of mood and shadows).
Bullshit. Final Fantasy VII had fucking color. Not this grayscale bullshit. PASS
I still insist that everyone just reminds themselves of how The Force Unleashed was presented, including gameplay, before it was released. 1313 likely would have suffered a very similar fate in which at best it had a terrific story like force unleashed, but the gameplay ended up being janky and poorly designed.
Sure, but what if he had mental health issues? Wouldn’t a simple welfare program to stop repeat crimes like this be cheaper and smarter than sending a non-violent person to life in prison? Yes it would.
You know not what you speak of so sit down, in the corner and think about what you’ve done.
Compromise, get real. They’re making a product and if they stick to their mindless guns on something that is VERY community driven they’re simply going to be out of a job soon.
I found the physics in this game to be spectacularly disapointing. Particuarly given how it’s basically the only thing it does atm.
Can only return within 2 weeks of purchase AND less than 2 hours played.
Runs on my GTX 670 FTW edition just fine. Hits 30 FPS on low and 15 on medium to high. Not ideal but it’s an Alpha game and well supported Alpha at that. It’s always funny to me when people expect an Early Access game to work perfectly the first week it’s released and then in the same breath many will bitch about…
That is one hell of an awesome looking N64 game.
Nothing should wash away that nonsense. Rockstar makes billions off this franchise and the best they can do to show thanks and take money along the way is port a so-so to bad mobile version for the “HD” re-release?
On the flip side Americans censor or stigmatize anything sexual, something used for fun and procreation with violence and death.
They have those pads and didn’t bother doing something like swype? How typical of them...
The sad bit is that it’s entirely Sony’s fault. Complete incompetence. After all that struggle to make the PSP a competitor they give up with the Vita and BETRAY their western fans.
The sad bit is that it’s entirely Sony’s fault. Complete incompetence. After all that struggle to make the PSP a…
Because otherwise we wouldn’t fucking have FACTS.