It’s Raph. Dude has major issues. This pretty much fits him perfectly.
It’s Raph. Dude has major issues. This pretty much fits him perfectly.
It’s a way to engage kids. Also, most people think “silencers” are real, just like in the media.
I wouldn’t say deeper just more involved. Unnecessarily involved and go figure the series took a turn for the bad after going down that path...
If they’re smart, and they’re probably not, they should bring it to PC out west as well. It’s rather painless porting from PS4 to PC so really the costs on their end are quite small. Steam users have repeatedly shown support for JRPGs so, yeah.
A trojan isn’t going to hijack a Rockstar social account or only it... That’s like being given keys to the bank and vault but only robbing the christmas tree of its presents... You give yourself away for nothing.
For once I find myself agreeing with you.
Makes the official versions look like a pile of puke.
It should include a proper crt scanline filter, optional of course. That is, a filter that isn’t just black lines but actually emulate a proper CRT TV tube.
Ah, it’s always fun with both sides being petty kids. TB may think he’s taking the high road but he’s really not. He’s essentially caving into criticisms that he lambasts the dev for not being able to handle.
The PS4 is an entirely different architecture than the PS3. The PS3 is a pig and nigh impossible to emulate properly without additional hardware. You can ask Sony how well it went when they made PS3's with PS2 hardware in them to ensure compatibility. They didn't sell well and they DIDN'T move year 1-3 sales like…
The PS4 is an entirely different architecture than the PS3. The PS3 is a pig and nigh impossible to emulate properly…
I imagine resolution is key.
I think few take it seriously. I mean, what idiot would take it seriously? Almost every PC gamer was a console gamer at some time and more importantly many play consoles as well as PC at the same time. There’s far bigger infighting with console players against Sony vs. Microsoft vs. Nintendo.
Yeah, no. Deal with it. There’s a SIGNIFICANT difference between 4k and 1080 at any realistic distance. If you want ANY credibility, try 1440p versus 4k. There, the diminishing returns are more real.
I’m curious how the hell you got it up to $2,500, you including the monitor as well? You’d have to strain to get it to $2k... With a little patience you could easily get it at around $1,600, and that’s with a current i7
I’d say the bubblegum one is the only suspect image. I mean, how many fighters blow bubble gum bubbles or at least take pics of them doing that?
My first AHA! case was an Antec P180. It wasn’t as good as people claimed but it was damn near it. I still miss it to this day. I’d get the 183 (even if they went cheaper with it) but I’ve had run-ins with crappy service from Antec, after previously good service. So, them along with PNY are now on my blacklist. Though…
Looks ok but I always question the need for aluminum nonsense. You can achieve lighter weights without using it. It’s just gratuitous nonsense. You can also ground you computer safely and just as easily using composites.
A real domestic dog simulator, for most dogs, would be to be told to lay down all day except for maybe an of hour play, if you’re lucky...
It’ll come to PC before it goes to Xbox and it’s not likely ever coming to PC, which sucks.