Kuili J8i9

Yep, that bullshit made me vow to never buy a battlefield product or any franchise that gets dragged in the mud like that, EVER. I don't care if they "learn" or whatever, it's fucking EA they never learn.

They're amalgam fillings. While less and less people are having them, especially younger people, they're still quite prevalent in the world.

Because she isn't super racist just super southern and there is a difference. She might be racist without realizing it but she's certainly not "super racist".

Yeah, I mean, why bother with customer service when you're taking a ridiculous 30% cut. I think it's abhorrent this is an industry practice for DIGITAL goods, PHYSICAL goods this made a hell of a lot more sense, DIGITAL? Fuck NO it doesn't. There's a shit load less risk involved from inventory to refunds/returns with

Yeah, so absolutely perfect that you couldn't even play their flagship game, Sonic, on it without terrible game-breaking blur and absolutely horrendous battery usage.

I think it highlights a wonderful hypocrisy to their xenophobia.

The minimum requirements scared you off? Seriously? The CPU minimum is 8 years old and the gpu is 6 years old...

I used to be a big fan of Sony and their consoles but their terrible policies are so awful that I ditched them entirely. Fuck em. And I just don't care about Microsoft's exclusives, only Screamride has interested me lately. Nintendo screwed me over about 6 months after I got my Wii-U so they're out of the picture now

Given how she fights her new costume is a lot more limiting than the old. Justifications can be made either way...

It's a major waste of resources and time to design a game like that. Just so a few hardcore people can gush about it? It's not accessible. Alllll those side quests in Elder Scrolls games and even Final Fantasy XII end up interfering with the game.

Yeah, my Mom got hooked on Mario Kart 64. She didn't hold the controller "right" and she wanted to steer by grabbing the analog stick with her finger tips, similar to how you'd hold an Atari joystick I suppose, but after a week or two she became quite good. Even beating me from time to time.

Hell, if Cities XL nonsense would just fix their memory leaks and relatively minor performance issues it too would be better.

Measured experiences. Your death in that game could happen after 5 minutes. It's not exactly the same.

That's the difference when you make a game from passion instead of a paycheck. There's little passion left in big box development because those companies require a soul in order to work for them very long.

This was one hot mess of a post. I stuck with it in hopes that it would pay off but...no just very poorly done. A shame since there's a lot to be said about this, and many aspects at that, but this was not the way to do it. Not by a long shot. It almost begs to just be clicked and vaguely talked about but not actually

Gameplay reminds me of a Donkey Kong Country and Sonic hybrid of sorts.

Pretty funny that traffic is broken given where this game is coming from.

Oh get off it. Greenlight is broken. DEAL WITH IT.

What game perfectly utilizes the MD sound chip? I'm always curious because I can't imagine Final Fantasy's soundtracks being better on MD, for instance. So it would be interesting to hear a game that ambitiously tackles the sound chip like Squaresoft tackled the SNES'

GTA V's characters were all terrible cliches and stereotypes. Michael and Franklin were white and black stereotypes and Trevor was the white trash ala Rockstar. None were inventive, new or even worthwhile. Franklin's character might as well be called racist on a modern blackface level in story telling. At least CJ's