Kuili J8i9

Fairness? When talking about the internet? You're new here?

They should do one with all the official control related accessories. I mean seriously, it seems to be a very much overlooked fact that Nintendo goes a bit crazy with accessories. I think only the SNES is relatively OFFICIALLY accessory light.

Protip: The expanded Universe never mattered. It was just a way to control the fans.

The entire justification of this instead of a proper KOTOR game was that we'd get "more". Yeah, well, no we didn't. We get a very, very mediocre storyline and 8 classes that share far too much of that same storyline. Not exactly "more", and to make things worse the game is a damn slog. Here's a summary of SWTOR's

And I'd totally disagree with you.

Right. Because that makes sense. Glorify an event that basically epitomized the pointlessness of war by fraternizing with the "enemy" but not having the courage to tell your own country to stuff the war up their collective butts. If the troops had collectively abandoned the field that would have been something else

How hard is it to understand? If you want a non-gearsnob point of view, consider a real flight simulator to say Pilotwings or Ace Combat or Rogue Squadron. It's a more apt comparison than your FPS one.

I have a hard time trusting anything battery related from china stores. Regardless if they're reviewed well. I'd rather pay a slight premium for properly rated packs than the dubious ratings from chinese vendors.

I have a hard time trusting anything battery related from china stores. Regardless if they're reviewed well. I'd

I disagree. The world was extremely repetitive in design and the nemesis system is severely overrated. Fun and interesting at first but by the time you beat the game, hell by half that time, you realize how shallow the system really is, and for some, broken.

I have a 64GB card and people should just get that instead, same price per GB. Sony was REALLY amazing when they designed the Vita. First, they use overpriced proprietary cards, then they punish you if you swap cards (you have to reboot, long reboot at that, and it completely ruins all folders you had) and then they

Given the scope of the game, the intended features and whatnot. The actual, consistent progress made, I think it's disingenuous to take up your torch against the semantics of "Beta" and 'Early Access' against this game.

I didn't think size mattered until I played Sim City. I only paid $10 for it and I still feel like I was ripped off. The game just isn't fun. Well polished, runs well for most part, but it's a damn bore to play after you unlock everything the first time.

It's as much as a proper entry/sequel as Crisis Core or Dirge of the Cerberus was to VII...

Looks pretty classic Capcom. Extremely marginal "improvements" and that's about it so slap on a new number, done. Can't say anyone on Xbox One should miss this nonsense.

Have you ever actually looked into the social-economic factors behind most Arab populations? If you did, you'd only be strengthening his argument.

The community market is explicitly putting a real world value on virtual items...

You're obviously not looking correctly. Unless you're talking eastern releases, which are irrelevant because the Vita is dead out west if it aint an indie title.

So, basically, like how they did previous demos, at least on the PS1 and PS2.

The little shit is still getting off too easy.