Locked at 720 and still that large? What the fuck kind of encoding are they doing? Or are they being exceptionally stupid and locking the game engine at 720 but the videos are 1080? Still, terrible encoding!
Locked at 720 and still that large? What the fuck kind of encoding are they doing? Or are they being exceptionally stupid and locking the game engine at 720 but the videos are 1080? Still, terrible encoding!
Only so far as character design goes. Otherwise it's explicitly NOT tied to the movies. And the only reason they licensed it from the Movies is that there would be an uprising for the next ten years at least, if anyone tries to change that vision with alternate character designs.
So, how's that kinja working out....
Too bad with four of those treadmills at once you wont' be able to hear anything, even with headphones, due to the cacophony of racket simply walking on them makes...
I'd rather play the SNES version.
Anyone having issues with gold, like major issues, hunt goblins until you get The Vault portal and cross your fingers you get Boon of the Hoarder legendary gem from Greed.
I 100% completed this game, including achievements in a comfortable 38 hours. Unfortunately, the funnest part was the first 2 or 4 hours of gameplay when everything felt very confrontational and scary because you were relatively underpowered. After that you realize the core isn't changing and you're just going to…
I still think the polygon graphics hold up more than well enough given the limitations at the time. Particularly the GF graphics.
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Too bad it's still a rather shitty game and spectacularly average MMORPG.
It takes far more processing power for higher resolutions in 3D. It would have been impractical for Nintendo to go at a higher resolution. Particularly at the ridiculous price/profit they were initially aiming for before the price cut.
Literally, 95% of what you do in Skyrim is non-essential to the main plot. It doesn't matter a damn if you do it or not, how you do it and there's absolutely no persistence to what you do there and what you do later in the main plot. It might be less than 95% because it's been a while since I last calculated it, but…
Where is there any indication of heat waste? Heat is often a sign of inefficiency. Something you'd think they'd be able to greatly limit by the time they scale their SPACE STATION WEAPON.
To be fair, Lucasarts was a Mercy Kill for Lucasarts AND us. Lucasarts failed to capitalize on and then ruined Force Unleashed.
It's what Marvel did to Marvel. They took back control and ultimate say. In that instance, DISNEY is the pawn, for once.
After the first nation colonizes, others will follow suit. All will be relatively peaceful because it'd be too expensive not to be. Then, if and when major money/resources become important on mars, if ever, war will happen and it will be very interesting. War on Earth, sabotage on Mars.
Sure, going from PS4/Xone to PC there IS a difference. However, that's not what they're saying. They're saying there isn't much of a difference going from High on PC to Ultra on PC. And you know what? It's absolutely true.
Considering how they lied - consistently, failed to deliver - consistently, on Planetary Annihilation, screw em. Good riddance!
No, that's exactly what they sound like. Good. Not great, not awesome, not excellent, but good for the price (mostly) and most importantly form factor. It's akin to complaining a PC isn't as small as a laptop or a laptop is not as powerful as a Quad SLI PC powerhouse.
No, that's exactly what they sound like. Good. Not great, not awesome, not excellent, but good for the price…