I realize that this has been around for a long time. but it’s the first time i heard it and i can’t stop laughing and crying over here. You’ve done God’s Work for the day.
I realize that this has been around for a long time. but it’s the first time i heard it and i can’t stop laughing and crying over here. You’ve done God’s Work for the day.
You rock. Thank you sir/madam/space alien.
Juh-nay? Where the hell is Juh-nay? Don’t you go telling me it’s JEEEEEN because i will break my foot up in yo ass!
Not for nothing, but if you had embedded that quote in the article, it would be much easier for me to share this with friends and actually get them to read it. Also, Jose is really smart.
Please tell me you used Frinkiac to find that?
The greatest crime here was the vertical video.
Seeing that bad boy run around Austin the inaugural year was absolutely amazing.
Yes, he has always been garbage, although his buddy Max Moseley did do more for driver safety in F1 than really anyone in FIA ever could have.