The NFL operates in an alternate universe where traditional concepts of justice, due process and transparency are not only ignored but purposefully evaded. This kind of shit happens a lot. And as long as their profits increase I really don't think the owners care. Ownership makes changes when it's good for business.…
Do professional basketball leagues in Spain, Russia, Israel or any other country offering a product significantly inferior to the NBA have issues like this? Until the best athletes in the U.S. pick soccer over football or basketball (or even hockey) pro soccer in the U.S. will never truly catch on
Looking forward to the 30 for 30, The Ballad Of John Daly. And why isn’t there a 30 for 30 on Joe Don Looney?
Ok smart guys. You won’t have Rovell to kick around much longer. Word is that he will be Secretary of Commerce under President Trump.
Hard to believe there was a time when a news organization wouldn't report something like this.
Ok, excellent. Philly bashing. They booed and pelted snowballs at Santa Claus. They think Rocky I is the best movie ever. They talk funny - what’s a “wahdder ice”??
This clearly is pandering by ESPN to the team from Islamic State. They are slicing through the competition and will likely topple the sacred relics of this tournament.
I don’t know about all that number and percentage stuff. But I do know you can’t spell Schilling without I(slamic) S(tate)
“Grant Jenkins” unfortunately was unable to make his flight to Waco last week. But “Grant” promises in the future to be available when the need arises. Just holler at Jimbo and he’ll fix you up.
“CC, now tell us what you really meant when you said that. Because there is a whole lot of misinformation out there.