Well considering the fact he panned the F1 and it was monumentally more significant than the P1, I find his change of heart suspicious, to say the least.
Well considering the fact he panned the F1 and it was monumentally more significant than the P1, I find his change of heart suspicious, to say the least.
Production. I don't get the hype over concepts anyway. They're usually disappointing in real life.
The Saab is a no brainer, but that Nissan is surprisingly good looking. If they brought it straight into production they'd have a real contender against the Mazda6/Ford Fusion. It's does the Angular/Mecha Japanese look right.
Were you there the year they had the One-77 and Zonda R? Not many cities could have pulled that off. Now if only they could bring over the Mclaren F1 .....
Am I the only one that's sick of Top Gear's British propaganda/patriotism push? It seems like every segment they do is "FUCK YEAH BRITISH ENGINEERING". What are they, Americans?
Looked too much like a Mclaren F1, I disliked it the second I saw it. Cheap knockoff.
sure but would wooden cars last?
How did I miss this silent return? Way to sneak back into Jalop waters, sir.
kilobucks. huh.
Didn't Ian do the DB9 as well? That is the most beautiful car ever designed in my opinion and it's not even mentioned?!?
Looks like something the red power ranger would drive.
if they fixed the grille it would look a lot better/closer to the concept.
Yeah, but the Hyundai Sonata started it. Who knew the Koreans would be starting trends?
This is the best thing I've seen on the internet all year.
RIGHT? One of the few times a lyric video is worth watching. And better than the official video, no doubt.
CAMP was a bit tryhard, but I still like it a lot more than this random crapshoot.
Lazy ass Mexicans. This is why I fear the new generation of Fords and VW's (and maybe even Mazda's) built in Mexico
Jason Torchinsky is the James Cameron of Jalopnik. Articles aren't consistently popular, but when he scores, it's BIG.