Daughters. Educating fathers that women are actually human beings since the dawn of time.
Daughters. Educating fathers that women are actually human beings since the dawn of time.
For the record when people say “New York Values” they mean white and black and brown people living next door to each other. Gays freely walking the streets and going to bars to enjoy themselves. Muslims, jews, christians, atheists, all shopping, dining, etc together. Everyone living the lives they want without trying…
She was for subway tokens before she was against them.
Guys imagine if HRC had said something about fucking subway tokens.
I just donated to UNICEF. Here’s the link if anyone else would like to.
I think it’s hilarious that you are sad for an 84 year old white man, because his legacy is being tarnished, when the whole point is that women don’t get a legacy at all, and are essentially dead to the world even while they are alive.
In the mid 80s a college professor told me a (possibly apocryphal) story about a male student who wrote an essay arguing that women were inherently less rigorous writers- using George Eliot’s work as an example of the epitome of said rigorous male writing that no woman could match.
I think I’m doing ok! But thanks!
I have a lot of respect for people’s sexual preferences and mostly think they’re not to be questioned so long as…
I had an abortion about 2 months ago now; and although abortions are completely legal where I live (UK) there are still so many hoops to jump through that it can be overwhelming. The worst part about the whole experience was having to justify the abortion to a doctor. In the UK you need to have a valid reason for…
I have a friend who got pregnant the first time she had sex. When she was in college, one of her professors told the class that you could not get pregnant the first time.
There’s a whole lot to unpack in here, but this part in particular
It seems pretty easy to me; your sincerely held religious beliefs don’t give you the right to discriminate against others, or to get someone else to do so on your behalf. And if those beliefs mean you’re incapable of doing your job, you get to find a new job.
Seriously. How do they get through the ticket counter, security, the boarding procedure and the safety announcements, let alone the flight itself, without even glancing at an unrelated female?
Finally. If your religion prohibits any sight or incidental contact with women, maybe you should stay home. We certainly won't.
But what are clones, if not human “remixes”, you know?
God, I’m so BORED with this shit. Another straight white baby boomer dude self-glorying wankfest (nostalgia edition). How can a single demographic be so endlessly entertained with itself! And so institutionally narcissistic that it assumes that literally everyone agrees on how fascinating every detail of their…
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! His next ballad/rap will say "I see you sparklin' with those Crystals on, damn I wish we coulda got our Cristal on." hahahahaha