BWK | Kinja Black Guy | Hood Legend

Round 1... FIGHT!”

Haha yeah.

I agree. There maybe was a time when I personally liked their viewpoints and thought their content was beneficial to the community, but these days, their platform does more hard than good, and I say this as someone who listens to A lot of Charlamagne’s ‘Brilliant Idiots’ podcast with Andrew Schulz.

I watched parts of it on Max’s stream last night, and it was fun. The definitive edition is $10 on the Microsoft Store, so I finally picked it up on PC.

Its very underrated. I wish I had a chance to play it again.

Now playing

This has happened with every black person that has ever let their non-black friends say the N-word while playing music. Shit, Even the rapper Wale has a verse on his song “The Kramer” speaking on that scenario:

It depends. I’ve had non-black friends sing songs with the n-word, and while I initially acted like it was fine, over time, they started taking that as an opportunity to casually start saying it with the -er, and even when the song didn’t even use it. I let them know how how I felt, and after all of that, we’re not

Yup, not bad at all.

Now playing

The only two racing games to ever have a decent story was The Crew and Driver: San Francisco (Though not a pure racing game, a story-driven driving game.)I’ll admit that NFS: The Run has the best last race:

Just copped, It’s a lot lol

Aww. Which other ones do you recommend?

Aww. Which other ones do you recommend?

 This looks so cool.

Now playing

My coworker met an UBER driver who said he used to do music back in the day. This is him:

People like her are one of a few reasons why shit never changes. What a useless apology.

Thanks for this.

Thanks for this Stephen.

Damn, I actually liked some of your takes.

Yay, Harron is back! and this week has been EXHAUSTING. I have so many feelings about everything, but I simultaneously feel numb. That’s all.