Nah, F D’Vorah, she’s second to Sindel on being OP only when Boon andthe plot demands it, lol.
Nah, F D’Vorah, she’s second to Sindel on being OP only when Boon andthe plot demands it, lol.
Still a favorite of mines.
It’s no SLF450X, but it’ll do:
I agree. Bring on the wild AF designs! I’m still miffed we don’t get cars like the iDX or the Lambo above:
Damn, no ‘Halcyon’ by Orbital:
You’re a chill dude, but I’d rather just agree to disagree than be referred to a post meant for someone else.
Eh, different strokes, it’s not that bad.
I completely agree.
While nice, I’d actually love to customize the new Supra in NFS Heat, as it’s a much better game than 2015 and Payback this time around. No knock to Horizon 4.
The official car of Jessica Alba’s ‘Dark Angel’, taking place in... 2019?!?
I like your timeline a lot.
Damn, I like Jameela a ton, but she’s starting to give me Lena Dunham vibes with all this nonsense. She be doing the most sometimes...
Will the Mach-E have the same thirst for rampage and human flesh, or is that on a different trim level?
Aww, I thought Cameron Monaghan, except for being a white dude, looked different enough to be memorable, but then again, I’m bias as I’m more familiar with his previous work than most, just like Sam Witwer as Starkiller.
Damn, glad you’re okay, and to be honest, I think it takes a while for some people to get it.
This was a super good read.
Looks fun, plus I love Sonequa in pretty much everything.
I wish it was fake; who do I need to cap for on Lifehacker of all places?
I wish I knew this at a party. I was so scared, and all my friends could do is laugh and post my attack on IG Stories. They apologized the next day, but it still sucks.