
Time and money, and someone thinks irts a good idea that will profit. A lot of anime done in the last 20 years started off as light novels, and were adapted either into a manga, anime series, or both. FMP had a first and second season released at about the same time as there was enough materials from the LN to adapt

to be fair, fumoffu IS actually canon, it’s just the canon comedy bits stripped out of the main story, completely ignoring the serious and sci-fi bits.

I blame it all on the original “Splash”. Before that mermaids tended to exprie into seafoam in the west, or simply eat or be eaten by humans in the far east. /s

I’m actually a little sad, that the first thought I had on reading the headline was “Wow, Japan has managed to make a racist soda? I didn’t think it was possible to top pocari sweat on the scale of sodas I wouldn’t touch by name alone chart”

What is not dead may forever lie, and with strange aeons, even the death of the vita may die.

To the best of my knowledge, both parent will be held accountable for this with a minimum manslaughter charge as she did pass away. At the very minimum the intentionally murderous 9 year old will be taken away from them, though I have absolutely no idea how the juvenile accountability laws in that state will treat

author is showing pretty impressive bias, and even more ignorance. Otoh, the shit that actually goes down in this game entirely devoid of males is utterly ridiculous.

Point. Missed.

....You do realize that the yo-yo was, and is in fact a weapon by design, right?

the difference is these people paid to own a digital license of the game on PC, and they want the version of the game they paid for to actually be the experience they SHOULD have gotten when they paid for it. Yes it’s hubris, but fuck SE on this one, they can have that hubris if they deliver on what SE did not.

the Vita is also still getting new releases which makes this decision baffling.

worse, there are already downloadable switch titles larger than the base internal memory of the switch itself, which is only 32GB

for as few cards and pieces as it has? It’s about the same size, or smaller than one of the cryptozoic deck-building games expansions, so $20-30 max.

that only applies if you LEFT IT IN THE BOX

...10 didn’t use the ATB though. It used a combat system that paused for every combat action so character speed and combat delays were the most important stats and abusable skills in the game, to the point that there was an accidental softlock because they stupidly gave a single mob the ability to delay and attack

at the moment, at least for physical carts, you can not update indefinitely, but yeah, i fear forced updating soon enough.

It’s a premeditated murder attempt, it is absolutely illegal.

Now, my question is, would it even have gotten worse if not for the switch rumble actively disturbing it?

except with the prevalence of online shopping nowadays, how many people bother to buy games from outlet stores anymore? Rating only matter for stuff on shelves.

yeah, but the assault rifle ban ENDED under that fucker George W. Bush. He let it lapse.