
sadky, the original .hack games were very good at emulating the shoddy feel most MMORPGs of the day had. I don’t want to think about what it would feel to play a decade later.

that wood require the log stick to the plan.

that beloved character has always been an ass.

2ds is much younger, but I believe they’ve stopped production entirely, as theyve got a New @DSxL coming out this year.

Mario Karty

also, you now have a shaming tale to drop on your kid when he has his OWN game saves.

You’re looking at a plainswalker card, not a creature. They’re permanents that come with their own life totals like the player themselves in the form of like counters, and each will start with the number indicated in the spot where a creature would have it’s attack/defense. The only one of the (however many total)

I think the big takeaway from this one strip alone was that her dad apparently liked Charlie Brown more than he seemed to like his own daughter, and thats a scary amount of awareness of that from Charlie Brown himself. The thread where he shut her up by simply saying his father had a son is chilling in hindsight about

ah, yes, this is almost guaranteed to be true, as someone who did in fact write a bug for the same purpose in a very different game, and got that exact resopnse.

Yes, but in those cultures those are unintentionally offensive. This one is a statement INTENDED to offend, by a directly taken action, rather than a passive state, and that’s where the line in the sand is apparently drawn for Nintendo.

..Squidna is a little too obvious here.

the fad of making EVRYTHING random, including bosses and power-ups  is mostly new though. Diablo and Diablo 2 had set AREAS, which would have different randomized tilesets while going through it, but the boss encounters and abilities (and potental drops) were all locked in stone.

ah, your’re getting it wrong. this is japan, so the violent nosebleeds are from sexual REPRESSION.

Technically, the problem is that only 1-3% of the controllers actually function correctly, because there was a manufacturers defect which was across the entire fucking controller production line that only unintentional errors in the production line actually fixed, again, by accident. It’s a bizarre case of two wrongs

the difference between poisonous and venemous is the way the subtance enters the body. If it’s caused by a bite, the source was venemous. If you ate the thing, it’s poisonous.

it’s only a barely past 5 years old (Dec2011jp, Feb2012US), which only makes the treatment it got at less than 2 years old  through now all the worse.

my original wire started disintegrating on me less than a year in, and the proprietart cable replacement wasn’t reasonably priced at all. vita slim users are lucky for the cable change.

Um, even the original Vita allowed you to do PC storage, not just the later slim model.

which is funny, as there are almost as many vita titles being released in the west as PS4 titles still. sure, most of those releases are only because of a few companies (and limited run games) but that’s still an oddly large number of titles for a console that Sony itself keeps trying to shit on, internationally.

“they dont include a bunch of freebies for doing so. or else people wouldnt complain.”

There are those of us who remember that there once were, in fact, bonus freebies for preordering certain games, which is where the original complaints began, because they STOPPED. Many of the so-called special editions existed only