
but I can't get around the premise. electricity inexplicably ceases to exist/work modernly? it's absurd. yes, more so than time travel and alien invasion.

why is everyone such suckers for shows like this? have we learned nothing from falling skies and terra nova? I had high hopes and they were crushed so completely, they might as well become fossilized.

3 games released within a week of each other and I'm playing them all: FTL, Borderlands 2 and Torchlight 2. I've sunk the majority of my time into BL2. finished the story and finishing up sidequests and also doing the true vault hunter mode with a friend. FTL for when I have a short time to spare and Torchlight when I

beating the game in 24 hours in lvl 30's is standard really. we did that on 4 player coop with my buddies. actually we beat it at lvl 28. 4 levls under jack and the warrior

he hit the level cap. not just beat the game.

just join a group that plays regular or a steam group dedicated to this. such as /r/borderlands

wikipedia says it was 2 days ago, 9/11/1992. whoops

they were supposed to launch non-game software last wednesday. what happened to that?

it's available on ipad and pc/mac as well

another place to ask with a lot of expert advice is reddit.com/r/buildapc. they helped me a lot with my build I did a couple months ago.

from their track record, this is an instabuy for gearbox

with $500, all laptops will be using integrated graphics...don't expect much out of that

I just tried this. it doesn't do that for me.

note: the window version stores your login in plain text.

what is broken about it for you? I've never really had any problems with it

were you playing alone? it's much less fun. also, less than 10 hours and you hate the game? I understand I guess everyone has less time these days, but it really is fun if you like this type of game. the DLC was great as well.

yet another reason I regret not being able to get tickets in time for PAX. I wonder if they will popup for sale somewhere

VOTE: Winamp

2 24"

imagine a rubber sheet. draw a dot on one area. now stretch the sheet. that dot moved faster than if an ant crawled across the same distance. the expansion of the universe enables this quirk.